I am using the "Promoted to Front Page" option for a view that is displayed on a landing page. The option shows in the create/edit form for an administrator, but no other user for the article content type. My "site admin" role allows the user to create/edit own/others for this content type. I am using the group module which is installed for this content type as well as content moderation. This user is assigned to a group with a group role that has permissions for all moderation states. I have looked through all permissions and I don't see a permission to use this. The promoted to front page option is enabled in the manage form display.

Drupal 8.7.7

  • Do you use this module, drupal.org/project/override_node_options?
    – user72672
    Commented Sep 13, 2019 at 8:38
  • No, we are not using that module. There are no access restrictions placed on those options in our code as far as I can tell.
    – shelane
    Commented Sep 13, 2019 at 15:07

1 Answer 1


Core permission settings require a user to have the "Administer content" permission in order to promote a node to the front page. Evidently the problem has been around since at least Drupal 6 (See Andy Carter's Blog post). As suggested in the blog post and in the comment to the question, the Override Node Options module can provide some more refined permissions.

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