Whilst trying to update Drupal 7.0 core and installed modules using Drush 4.x I appear to have broken a project site (Ubuntu 11.04 box using pure LAMP) and hence I get the dreaded 'white screen' so cannot get past it or get into the backend of the site. I would like to simply get D7 core/and all current modules (which there is a good 40 modules or so) updated and back working. It is a project for learning but I have done a good fair amount of work on it over the past 6 months and really I don't want to trash the mySQL DB and start all over again as I'll lose a fair amount of hours work. Can anyone provide a Drush command to get it back up and running whilst also updating the D7 core/modules and get it back on track. I understand the concept of the Drush CLI, but am really a 'learning' novice at present across all of the Drupal framework. The modules included are the general Panels/Rules/Views (PRV) etc along with Ubercart and subscriptions etc so a fair amount of PRV work has already been done.
I also get the following:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'RulesIdentifiableDataWrapper' not found in /var/www/sitename/sites/all/modules/flag/flag.rules.inc on line 27 Drush command terminated abnormally due to an unrecoverable error.
So what do I do now??, I really don't want to start the whole project all over again after spending a good 6 months on this project.
Concluding: The whole process trashed my project site. Some 6 months work (with a lot of typing input) may have gone. the mySQL tables are still there and the data has been backed up, but whether I can get d7.14 and the current used modules and all the P/R/V and Ubercart user subscrition data to work is still to be seen. I'm sure this is NOT the way to be efficient in web building and management.