Even with the highest level of access (Super-Admin), the site displays a permission denied error when trying to edit the translation of certain translated taxonomy terms:

enter image description here

[Translation: System Access denied You are not allowed to access this page.]

What makes it weirder is that similar sibling pages are being accessed just fine. For example:

https://example.com/ar/taxonomy/term/360 => fine

https://example.com/ar/taxonomy/term/77 => 403 error

Using the tmgmt extension on Drupal 9.5.9. Any help appreciated.

  • Super-Admin does not sound like a default Drupal role name. By default Drupal's role name for the highest level of access is just Administrator. You can cross-check this setting at /admin/people/role-settings
    – Hudri
    Commented Oct 9, 2023 at 14:15
  • Thanks, I assume the dev team must have renamed or created new roles and permissions. Closest we have to Administrator is Site Admin, but that role possesses lower admin abilities than Super Admin. Thanks for the input tho! Commented Oct 10, 2023 at 9:24


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