You have to set the #default_value
(as you would nearly any FAPI element) if you want the current set value to show up on the form when you visit the page. I have code such as the following in my module:
for($i=1,$z=MAX_FRONTPAGE_IMAGES;$i<=$z;$i++) {
$form["frontpage_image_fid_$i"] = array(
'#type' => 'managed_file',
'#upload_location' => 'public://site_theme_assets/',
'#default_value' => variable_get("frontpage_image_fid_$i", ''),
'#title' => t("Random Image #$i for Frontpage"),
'#description' => t('This image will appear on the frontpage of the site and have line1 and line2 on top of it.'),
The only gotcha I have when trying to use managed_file
is that after save, on edit I get an error about the File status. That's because you should notify the file_usage table that your module owns/uses the file upon upload, eg:
/** callback for fapi admin settings page form that uses managed_file elements */
function foundation_frontpage_admin_submit($form, &$form_state) {
for($i=1,$z=MAX_FRONTPAGE_IMAGES;$i<=$z;$i++) {
if ($form_state['values']["frontpage_image_fid_$i"]) {
$f = $form_state['values']["frontpage_image_fid_$i"];
// Load the file via file.fid
$file = file_load($f);
// Change status to permanent.
$file->status = FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT;
// Save.
// I was receiving an error on Edit of a filled out form/file upload.
// Managed file: the file used in the field may not be referenced
// The solution is file_usage_add() to this module as commented here.
file_usage_add($file, 'foundation', 'variable:frontpage_image_fid_', $i, 1);
variable_set("frontpage_image_fid_$i", $f);
} else {
variable_set("frontpage_image_fid_$i", NULL);
drupal_set_message('Changes saved for frontpage.');