I've got a question about overriding the default blogs/username page with Views. I've created a new view with a page display with blogs/% as path, and set arguments to user:name. I'm typing blogs/rustam, the default page of individual blog is displayed. How do I correctly override the blog page with Views?
1 Answer
blogs/[username] is the path alias; the internal path is blog/[uid]. Change your view to use the internal path blog/%.
Where % represents the passed value that you are capturing like the userid. Then you will need to add an argument as well like User: User ID so that everything is consistent
Thanks for the help. But now im getting blank page at blogs/myusername. What it might be? Commented May 31, 2011 at 9:47
1I think you should change the view argument to use uid instead of name.– SivajiCommented May 31, 2011 at 13:43