I am attempting to display webform submitted data in view. For that I have used Webform MYSQL Views and Data module. And I am referring tutorial from here: http://drupal.org/node/1658784. The problem is when I created MySQL views for given webform, it has created view with Submitted column as datetime field.

Now when I go to Structure > Data Table > Adopt Tables and selects the created view, it is giving error of "no Schema type for mysql type datetime".

I googled for it, but didn't find any solution yet, any suggestion how can I overcome this error.

-- Thanks for your time.

1 Answer 1


You likely already resolved this, but I just ran into the same issue. Here's how I resolved it:

I applied the patches to the Schema module listed here: http://drupal.org/node/1237974.

This got rid of the error, but because i had a db_prefix on my tables, I could not adopt them. In order to get that working, I tried the patches here (http://drupal.org/node/894074#comment-6459584). It didn't work for my view, so I logged in via PHPMYAdmin and removed the prefix dr_ from the webform view (instead of dr_webform_myviewname, it's now webform_myviewname). This allowed me to adopt it.

I'm not saying it was pretty, but it is working now.



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