My site allows users to create content and share them with their friends. The relationships are created using UR module. The content type itself has a "Share:",a User Reference field, where the user can select multiple users, from their list of friends. Then there is a view, in which users can see the content created by others and shared with them. The problem is that, well, they cant see it, i cant get my head around the filter. What would be the easiest way to filter this? I've come up with this: if the currently logged in users name is in the contents share field, the data is shown. How to implement this in the view? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
1 Answer
You want a Relationship on your View.
If you're displaying nodes, add a Relationship on the User Reference field that your node has. Then add a Filter for User = Current User, using the relationship you just created.
Do you mean adding the "User: Representative node" relationship? If so, i receive an error: An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500. ResponseText: PDOException, site\wwwroot\sites\all\modules\views\modules\user\ Commented Feb 18, 2013 at 9:26
No, it should be called something like, " Entity Reference: Referenced Entity A bridge to the User entity that is referenced via field_user" (If you are using Entity References)– bethCommented Feb 18, 2013 at 15:11
Thank you so much! Worked like a charm with the Entity reference :) Due to my rep i can' vote you up :| Commented Feb 19, 2013 at 9:10