I am using the following PHP code in the view's header to set the breadcrumbs of the view.

global $base_url;
$path = $base_url . "/tag/" . arg(1) . "/" . arg(2);
$title = ucfirst(str_replace("-", " ", arg(2)));
$breadcrumb = array();
$breadcrumb[] = l('Home', '<front>');
$breadcrumb[] = l($title, $path);
print views_embed_view('article_tag_name', 'default', array(arg(2)));

In my page, the breadcrumbs contain the term ID, not the term name. How do I get the term name?


1 Answer 1


Seems like your breadcrumb is working properly but you get the real path instead of the path alias. You can use drupal_get_path_alias.

$breadcrumb[] = l($title, drupal_get_path_alias('taxonomy/term/'. arg(2)));

Seems like you are setting title and breadcrumb in a .tpl file? Try to avoid that and put your logic in template.php.
Quick tip: views_embed_view can cause performance issues.

  • i want term name insted of term id.but it shown term id.in my view in argument i put Taxonomy: Term ID.and in basic setting>header a php code.but it's showing term id not term name can you tell me relly good for this.........
    – trilok
    Commented May 18, 2013 at 7:21
  • drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/37827/…
    – JurgenR
    Commented May 18, 2013 at 7:34
  • how to put this into this <?php global $base_url; $path = $base_url."/tag/".arg(1)."/".arg(2); $title = ucfirst(str_replace("-"," ",arg(2))); drupal_set_title($title); $breadcrumb = array(); $breadcrumb[] = l('Home', '<front>'); $breadcrumb[] = l($title, $path); drupal_set_breadcrumb($breadcrumb); print views_embed_view('article_tag_name', 'default', array(arg(2))); ?>
    – trilok
    Commented May 18, 2013 at 7:49
  • Using the path alias still isn't ideal because it will generally be lower case with punctuation and small words removed. Use taxonomy_term_load() to get the term and then $term->name to get the proper name. Also, this is more functionality than design/visual so it would be better in a custom module than in the theme. But either is better than in the views UI.
    – rooby
    Commented May 19, 2013 at 2:48
  • I agree it is a horror debugging php code in fields!
    – JurgenR
    Commented May 19, 2013 at 6:07

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