I am trying to access my profile2 fields in template.php. I get profiledata, but I also get an error message:

EntityMalformedException: Missing type profile2. in entity_extract_ids() (row 7663 of /includes/common.inc).

Should not the entity type in field_get_items() be 'profile2', or is it another value?

$profiledata = profile2_load_by_user($variables['comment']->uid);
$lastname = field_get_items('profile2', $profiledata, 'field_lastname');

2 Answers 2


profile2_load_by_user() takes a user account (not just a uid) as its first argument, so you'll need to use:

$account = user_load($variables['comment']->uid);
$profiledata = profile2_load_by_user($account);
$lastname = field_get_items('profile2',$profiledata,'field_lastname');

As @Clive mentioned profile2_load_by_user() takes user account object not uid, but you also need type name as second argument to retrieve field_lastname using field_get_items function.

I recommend you to use this function profile2_by_uid_load instead of profile2_load_by_user

So your code should look like the following:

$profiledata = profile2_by_uid_load($variables['comment']->uid, 'profile_type_name');

$lastname = '';

if($profiledata) {

  $lastname  = field_get_items('profile2', $profiledata, 'field_lastname');
  • The returned value is an array. So you should add "$lastname = $lastname[0]['safe_value'];" before the last line.
    – Druvision
    Commented Oct 13, 2013 at 13:09

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