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Add/Remove User Role on Node View

I want to be able to add and remove a role to a user via a simple click of a button on almost any node. (Specifically the plan is to allow a user to give themselves a role that would give them extra ...
gdhp's user avatar
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Services Views and Basic Authentication

Our client has a calendar that shows events in two ways: Non-authenticated users see public events that are available for everyone to see. Authenticated users see those public events and events that ...
Sophie S-K's user avatar
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set permissions on an entity as though it were a node

I am using the Field Collection module to create entities for other nodes. I would like to administer the creation/editing/viewing permissions for these entities using the permissions page in the ...
Hoytman's user avatar
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Redirect after logout module doesn't redirect with link

I'm working with the redirect after logout module to redirect the user to the login page after he logs out. Now I have a link in my main menu with route user/logout. And my module redirect after ...
nielsv's user avatar
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One user managing several profiles

User type - manager For example he is Manager and has 4 bands he is manager of. Manager can create several profiles types (like myspace profiles). Manager creates bio, gallerys, videos etc... So ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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Some links in admin not working correctly

I know this is a pretty "broad" issue, but I have several links in the admin interface that are not working correctly. One place in particular is in the Rules section of admin. When I edit a rule and ...
hockey2112's user avatar
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is the a module similar to data_export_import that includes user roles?

I am using the Data Export Import module to migrate data from my live site to my dev site. It works fine in all cases except user roles. For some reason, many (but sometimes not all) users lose the ...
Hoytman's user avatar
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how to extend a custom module

I am writing 2 modules, one dependent on the other and both extend the user profile page. The first one is order_history and the other one order_details. The concept is order_history pulls out a list ...
Srihari's user avatar
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Views: show nodes that share taxonomy term with user

I have a content type requests with the taxonomy field categories. I have added categories to my user's profile as well. I need to create a view that displays all the requests that have category ...
doub1ejack's user avatar
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Block on user profile only

I have blocks for several profile types that links to users photos videos etc. (think myspace) With arguments it works nice, block is visible only on page created by userXY and leads to other content ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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Limit access to subsite

I googled for it but couldn't find anything about that. Is it possible to create drupal website ( with subsites ( and where access to them are ...
ahaw's user avatar
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How to externally register a new user without accessing /user/register?

I have a (Drupal 7) site which uses LDAP to authenticate logins according to an Active Directory groups only. In the Apache config file, the URLs '/user' and '/admin' are both blocked externally. ...
Chor Hatara Hud'u Keturi's user avatar
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How to prevent users of particular role to access the content view (node view) of a particular content type?

I am using Content Access Module and have rebuild permissions after enabling the module. After giving restricted access to users having role 'Data Entry Operator'. I have a content type delivery ...
harshal's user avatar
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individual user profile on click of user name in view

I have a view of displaying uploaded image content by different users. The content is displaying in box in below manner.. i.uploaded image ii.title of the image iii.user name and profile picture iv....
asalug's user avatar
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Localize views menus links

I need a way to localize menu Items pointing to Views in a menu that has field translation. I cannot create them neither from views nor manually (weird access denied messages). EDIT: Here ...
Dalmaz's user avatar
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Are there any hooks for the event when an user navigates the verification URL?

I'm looking for a way to modify an event (from my own module) when an user navigates to the account activation URL that they get in their mails. Are there any such hooks ready for me to use? Also I ...
Samik Sengupta's user avatar
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I want to subscribe an user to a Mailchimp list as soon as their account is activated

I want to subscribe an user to a Mailchimp list as soon as their account is activated. I've created a module to use hook_user_presave() and am trying to call mailchimp_subscribe_user() after that. ...
Samik Sengupta's user avatar
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How do I add tabledrag with 'weight' to admin form

I have built a fairly basic module but i'm struggling with the UX of the admin form. Essentially I need a list of items that have several values; a textfield, checkbox, select list and a button to ...
Adam Purdie's user avatar
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only allow to upload profile pictures of a certain size

I want to limit the user to only upload profile pictures of 160x160 size. What is the simplest way to validate that the resolution of uploaded avatar picture is actually 160x160, and provide an error ...
Druvision's user avatar
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Sync user roles across websites

I am using Drupal 7. I want to sync my Drupal website roles on 2 websites on the same top level domain, as in, one is, the other is, how can i achieve this? Bakery module ...
Smart Systems's user avatar
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Administrator unable to view "Registration" pages

If I log in as admin and want to edit the registration pages; I can not access the pages. I can only see them if logged out but, obviously, if logged out I do not get the "edit" option. Where do I ...
user001's user avatar
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Double access to pages

I have a really strange problem on my Drupal site: The site reports double access to every page. When I'm visiting an admin/something URL as administrator user, I can see in the log a warning ...
Shyghar's user avatar
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Limit OG available on registration form

I want to let my user to request membership to an OG through the user registration form (they should select the company you belong too). I found how to I have two content type set as OG (company and ...
magdmartin's user avatar
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How to embed user photo upload form in a page of Drupal 7 site

I want to embed user photo(avatar) upload form in a node page like this: node--37.tpl.php so a user can change or upload their profile picture by visiting a particular node. Can't understand what to ...
rakibtg's user avatar
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Reference to another database as a prefix

I have a problem referencing another database as a prefix in my settings.php file.I have a master-site[mysite.local] and a slave [sub.local].Both of them are having separate database.I need to check ...
Outlooker's user avatar
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Validate user required fields

I'm using Drupal 7 and I have some PHP pages that depends on my Drupal site. In the PHP page, I tried to add a user programmatically in order the check the exception: try { $new_user = array( '...
NickF's user avatar
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Edit user account how to check before update if the role check box is selected?

I have a module that when my user changes the user details hook_user onupdate, pushes these details to an external database. However I would like this to only work when role X is selected, else my ...
Tom's user avatar
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What can cause user names to disappear from admin pages?

On an existing Drupal system I see a strange phenomenon; user names disappear from the admin/people page. I've disabled the realname module but still it happens. How to debug such an issue? Edit: ...
Druvision's user avatar
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Email without body being sent to newly added users

In "admin>config>people>account-settings" for "Who can register accounts?" settings I have selected: Visitors, but administrator approval is required. Require e-mail verification when a visitor ...
maaz siddiqui's user avatar
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Pending approval mail not sent

Am using the register module to create an alternate registration page which requires admin approval. The pending approval mail is not sent to the user registering through the page. Wish someone could ...
jack's user avatar
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Reoccurring weekly billing that only a user can see, based on a schedule in another node

I need to setup a timed event, weekly, that will create a node or "billable event" based on a given pricing schedule (values on another node) and based on a date in another field on a different ...
Jodious's user avatar
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content access module settings

I can use "content access module" to make the nodes un accessable to other users. but the issue is i have is the number of users in this is more than 2000 and applying content access manually is a ...
Manu kumar's user avatar
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Error :The referenced entity (node: 252287) is invalid.?

I have a node reference field (which is reference for node B) in a node A .When a user who does not have permissions for node B accesses the node A, the problem occurs when node A form is submitted it ...
harshal's user avatar
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Why is not possible to edit page content?

I've been some time without modifying my site in drupal 7, and when I accessed it again, it was not possible to edit the page content anymore. The icon to edit the page content with panels is missing ...
danielmsd's user avatar
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Failed to disabled specific page

I'm creating an e-commerce using drupal. In this site I have several catalogs to distinguish between some products. Let's say I have url site_home/catalog/1 , site_home/catalog/2, site_home/catalog/3,...
euclid135's user avatar
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IMCE ckeditor cant upload image

So I moved my website from local to the server, and now I cant upload any pictures on the server anymore. after clicking on the "browse server" and hitting on "upload" and the ajax loading circle ...
Sohail's user avatar
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How to make a View of role?

I need to make a page with the list of the roles (I have 10 roles in the site) and the possibilities of changing their name,I tried to use views but was not possible. I want something like the drupal'...
luca's user avatar
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In code alter user registration and override approval to no approval required

In my module I want to override the approval for certain users so that they are immediately approved and get the corresponding email. The module looks at the subdomain to decide if approval is ...
Whiskey's user avatar
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Cannot login in IE

I have a simple Drupal site. I was able to login using Chrome, now I'm not. I can login with Firefox. I found this discussion suggesting I should look at the sessions table. I deleted all sessions ...
Toby Allen's user avatar
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After updating to user_restrictions-7.x-1.0 in drupal7, I can no longer run cron from another host

I've been updating several drupal7 installations from one browser on the same host as ONE of them. I just did this, updating to user_restrictions-7.x-1.0 on both machines. This caused no problems on ...
Jess H. Brewer's user avatar
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Theming certain system block like user cancellation

I have difficulties in theming user cancellation form (user/%/cancel). Basically I'm trying to achieve: add h1 tag wrap form in a div add text between the buttons Although this form has the ID ...
NineAllexis's user avatar
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changing user profile path doesn't really work

I'm new in Drupal and have only been touching this for the past two weeks. I have read several stuff and managed to change the user path from[user:name] to[...
NineAllexis's user avatar
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Multi step registration form fields not being saved

The user accounts have been extended with many fields. I built a custom module which converts the registration form into a multi-page form. In hook_register_validate I compile all the values from ...
user avatar
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Utilizing admin panel values elsewhere in a module

So I've got a custom admin panel page in a module I've written, and I want to get a value out of it. Let's say I have a text box on this admin page, with a value, and I want to get that at some other ...
Jack Ryan's user avatar
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Keep link to content even if private content

All my posts have a "group content visibility" field. So, when the content is private, if the user is not member of the group, the post will not be accessible. In addition, if there is a link to this ...
Ben's user avatar
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Customizing system response emails outside of the admin panel

Can registration emails be customized through code rather than through the admin panel? I have message content that's reliant on values entered by user. Thanks.
jsalita's user avatar
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How to Force Visitor to Login after 3 Consecutive Download

My site serves downloadable files. How can I force them to login/register after downloading 3 consecutive files? Is there any available modules for this? If not, is there a sample script to start ...
jaypabs's user avatar
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Installation Profile: $install_state['task_not_complete'] = TRUE doesn't seem to work

I need to set up multiple user in the last step of my install profile. My idea was to create a form like form_example_tutorial_9 But every time I click on the add_teammember button my form is submit ...
Lynx's user avatar
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Admin gets logged out when looking at user profile

Every time I log in as admin and view a user profile, Drupal treats me as that user. This is beneficial. However, in order to return to the admin panel I need to log out of that user account and log ...
kevinaskevin's user avatar
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problem in saving Account settings [Email template]

when i tried change some words in email template that was sent when user register in the website or canceled or verified or ... etc after i change it i have an error in saving it i tried to build ...
Mohamed Ibrahim's user avatar

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