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How can I send mail containing rendered entity from referenced field?

How do I code a function for sending mail containing a rendered entity that is referenced from a field? I have content type A that contains static information, and content type B that users create and ...
Daniel V's user avatar
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How to add a colon for Webform field labels?

I know you can add colon in field.tpl.php for site wide content type node fields, but looks like it's not webform field related. And webform doesn't have any webform-field.tpl.php type of templates ...
user3108268's user avatar
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How Can I send full content body field by simplenews_content_selection?

I use the drupal 7 and simple news content selection module for simplenews. When select an existing content for send by simplenews only the title of its content add to simplenews sent mail. I want ...
omiti's user avatar
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How to use Rules to email users when any field(s) is changed in a node (and include the unchanged/changed values for that field)?

I know how to email using Rules when a field in a node is changed and add conditions for particular fields whether they were changed. But I would like the email to contain the info which field(s) ...
hkdalex's user avatar
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How to use Rules to send separate email to every user referenced in user reference field?

I have a node with a user reference field, in which a user can select unlimited users who they have a relationship with. I'd like for the saving of this node to trigger a separate email to be sent (...
hockey2112's user avatar
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Send email to users, except author comments

Hello! I have node with field [field_users] (entity reference) I create rule [after saving new comment] Actions: Loop for field: [comment:node:field-users] inside loop i create var [users:mail] And ...
OnengLar's user avatar
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How to print formatted contents of Computed Field in a custom template?

I am trying to edit a bit body of simplenews newsletter that's being sent. I have a computed field that captures ~50 first words and saves it. It is called : field_first_sentance and it's value is ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to iterate over all field collection items in an eMail body using Rules?

I'm trying to write a rule (using Rules) that will send an email to users of a role. Within the body of the email, I'd like to display the contents of a nested field collection. I've tried using what ...
rrirower's user avatar
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2 answers

Best way to choose users to email? [closed]

I have a content type of things to be worked on. I want to be able to select which user is responsible for a certain project. Then use the Rules module to email them with other various conditions and ...
KyleRiggen's user avatar
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How to send a newsletter to all email addresses attached to a content type?

I have a content type (customers) having an email field (field_email). I need to create a newsletter using those emails that every certain period increase. I try to use the module Newsletter but I ...
Dvex's user avatar
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getting key of submitted entity list field

I'm having troubles with the following: I created a form with entityforms and now i want to send a confirmation email with mimemail. Getting that to work is no problem. But i need to perform a small ...
Piet Pol Pet's user avatar
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create contact form block with prepopulated entity references and send email to content author

I am trying to create 3 forms, 2 of them should be made into blocks to show on specific content types. One for anon users and another for logged in users. The other is just a site wide contact form ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Rule to store user's last post date and scheduled rule based 30 day reminder

In this scenario, user's can post 1 node of a specific content type every 30 days (interval changes depending on user role). We are using node_limit to accomplish this; it's doesn't play with rules. ...
Sam Roy's user avatar
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How to use Rules to send an eMail with a body containing all items of a field collection?

I've defined a content type that contains a field collection. The field collection contains 4 fields. When the content is created, it may have one or more of the field collections. I set up a rule to ...
rrirower's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Include an ATTACHMENT to a Drupal's Entityform Submission Email?

I am using the Entityform module and the Rules module for its notification . I noticed that the email sent out when the form is submitted does not attach the PDF file as part of the email's body. I ...
Boutros AbiChedid's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I get a view to display as themed within a simplenews html email?

I am trying to create a simplenews newsletter, also using Simplenews Scheduler, to weekly send out a newsletter with the content defined by views. I have a content type set up, and the views defined. ...
AndrewPolland's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I send an email using the Rules module to a user specified via Entity Reference in a Content Type?

This question is similar to others posed, but all the answers I can find appear to refer to Drupal 6, with CCK fields. I am using Drupal 7 with the Rules module enabled. I have created a custom ...
MCG's user avatar
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Why am I missing 'notification' features on my entityforms?

A coworker installed entityforms on a staging site and it delivers email notifications nicely. I am trying to replicate the process on the production site, but I am missing all the features/UI ...
doub1ejack's user avatar
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3 answers

How to access the user's email field with Field Permissions?

This is a sort of sequel to my previous question How to hide specific fields and the according label in a view, based on field permissions?. One of the fields I'm displaying in my view is the standard ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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drupal_mail() is formatting my body

drupal_mail() is formatting my email body. Before: (note 1 line) After: (note multiple lines) It should not, because Line 23 in /modules/...
whitefleaCH's user avatar
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send fields in a email

I'm fairly new to D7 and I don't know where to start. I have a "Event" CT(ContentType) with many fields in it. Dates, prices, text, html description. I need to put some fields in a plaintext email ...
whitefleaCH's user avatar
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