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How to recalculate uploaded files' sizes in KB and update the values in the database?

I use a shell command to look for all uploaded JPEG files above 500 K.B. (originals) and do JPEG compression on them. They get smaller in size, but Drupal still shows the originally uploaded file size....
W.M.'s user avatar
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How to delete folder along with the files from database also?

I want to delete selected folder along with all files inside that folder. I tried by using file_unmanaged_delete_recursive() It will delete folders and files but it is not removing database entry of ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Why file name and uri of the file in database are different?

I am uploading the files to the folder by using file_save_upload and file_move to achieve this. Its working fine but a problem arises while saving in database. I have used FILE_EXISTS_RENAME argument,...
Suraj's user avatar
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Overview & help with drupal files and folders on Win 7

I am a newbie. Please forgive me if this is a dumb question. I'm trying to wrap my brain around what is Drupal and how it works. I installed Acquia Dev Desktop successfully on my Win 7 computer. I ...
Sam Stamport's user avatar
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Exist a Drush command to update all the contents?

We have a client who was adding content to a separated dev server, the dev server is whitelisted only and doesn't allow incoming/outgoing connections to a lot of services. The client was adding ...
James Kirkby's user avatar
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If I delete enabled module files will items be stuck in the database forever?

The list that populates the modules page is loaded from the files. But whether a module is enabled or is stored in the database (I assume). If I enable a module and then delete the files will there ...
Coomie's user avatar
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Where in Drupal database do I store additional file properties?

I have an (architectural) problem with D7 and don't know what would be a good solution to it. Here is what I'm trying to do: I have an article with a sound sample attached to it. I thought it would be ...
Ari Linn's user avatar
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Inject a file record through SQL

I am currently trying to inject a value and file into a user field called "field_user_pdf". I am adding values to the following tables which is successful initally: field_data_field_user_pdf ...
DanH's user avatar
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FileField Database

I like the idea of using a field within a database to hold a file. Is it possible to store files within a database instead of within folders with Drupal 7? My current setup is Drupal 7, Ubuntu ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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