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SMS password recovery

I'm currently using D7. When my users attempt to request a password reset, 95% of the time, these reset emails land in their spam, or are blocked by whomever their email provider is. That being said, ...
Brittany's user avatar
  • 241
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How to trigger a rule whenever users update their picture

Using Drupal 7 and the Rules module I need to trigger a rule whenever users update their user-picture. I tried using the event "After updating an existing user account" which does trigger the rule, ...
dnoncoder's user avatar
1 vote
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How to trigger Rules from Ajax-picture-uploader?

I'm using Rules with event "After updating an existing user account". It should trigger whenever a user uploads a new profile picture. Now I've added an ajax uploader for user pictures, the Avatar ...
dnoncoder's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is Rules Action "Create Linked Drupal User Account" not working?

I’m using Drupal 7.56 and CiviCRM 4.6.31. I’ve been using Rules in Drupal to create a Drupal User Account linked to the CiviCRM contact created. But it's failing. I'm getting the following error: ...
Cristina P.'s user avatar
0 votes
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Rules to remove user from role on node publish

I have tried the following: Event: updating an existing content condition: NOT node-unchanged published remove user role (I'm stuck here) The last item is my problem. There is no user reference in ...
Ojchris's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to stop users from flagging other users if they have a custom taxonomy term?

I'm working on a project where users vote other users using the Flag module. Each user has a department term reference field. I would like to stop a user from flagging another user if they have the ...
staion16's user avatar
0 votes
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Create a Rule that assigns a specific role to a user after they have completed a form

Ok, I have a customer that is wanting to have an applicant complete a specific webform and then have their user account be assigned to a specific role automatically. My thought was to go the ...
Nicole's user avatar
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User expirity resets after rule fires

I have a rule, that sets user expiration date from a date field (this is on the same user account, I need this for another rule). However, after the rule fires the user expiration date is beeing reset ...
buboreka's user avatar
  • 115
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1 answer

How to create a rule to flag users when they're approved as a Trusted Contact?

I need some help with Drupal Commons (7.x-3.46), Trusted Contacts (one of its modules), and Rules. I need to create a rule so that whenever a user is approved as a trusted contact, the user is also ...
dnoncoder's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

How to create a rule to email all users with a profile field X with same value as the current-user?

I'm using Drupal 7.57 and I have 2 roles in my website, role X and role Y. I want to compare a field (field_code_postal) of the X member profile of the current-user, with the fields (...
Quentin's user avatar
  • 23
1 vote
1 answer

How to send an e-mail to a user selected in a webform via a user reference field?

I have a webform, that the HR use. I have a form component of the users, that is a user reference field. I would like to use Webform Rules to send an e-mail notification to the selected user. If I ...
buboreka's user avatar
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How to send an email once a new member is invited using the Group module?

I am using the Group module on a Drupal 7 project. I would like the system to send an email notification once a new member is invited. I'm assuming I could use the Rules module to perform this task, ...
Kenyon Johnston's user avatar
1 vote
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How to display a Rules Link only if access to display the linked content was granted?

I'm using the Drupal Commerce 7.x, Rules Link, and Content Access modules. In my site Classified ads can be created, and then people can use credits (via User points) to pay for unlocking "contact ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How to access node properties of another node using the Rules Link module?

I wonder how to access node properties via another node with Rules. I already store the link of my other node in a field (of the original node), but I don't know if we can do that. I'm using the ...
Quentin's user avatar
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How to create a rule to perform a redirect if user is already logged in and visits the homepage?

I have a Drupal 7 installation. In my homepage I have only two forms (login and register) so I need when someone leaves the site and the user is logged in, when he visits it again that he redirect to ...
Dimitrios Markopoulos's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do I add "Update Status of User" action to a view?

I want to create a user list with the Views module, to change the user status. I use the Views Bulk Operations module, but it has no Change status or Active user action. How can I enable (or change ...
omiti's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a rule that checks an extra profile field created with the core profile module?

I have a Drupal 7 site with the Honeypot module installed. Honeypot removes or prevents many spam registrations, but not all. I have extra fields added to the profile e.g. 'profile_field1'. I'd like ...
hepabolu's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to know user submitted first content of a specific type?

I used Rules module to know when a user has logged in and notify the user about his/her login event. Now I just want to check when the user has submitted a content of one specific type for the first ...
Mohammad's user avatar
3 votes
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Rule should not fire when user logs in with one-time-link from password recovery

I have a rule for user-login that redirects them to their content area and shows a welcome message with some instructions. But when a user uses the password recovery mechanism that rule should not ...
Volker's user avatar
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How to show picture of the user who triggered the rule for message activity?

I am using message module to record user activity on the site and displaying it through views. I am using rules module to trigger actions on certain events and show the relevant message. How I can ...
Umair's user avatar
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2 votes
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Which user related token(s) can be used to create a Rule for setting up a message type?

I have created few activity logs using the Message module. All works ok, but when I try to create a message type for example "username started following you on github". When setting up the rules for ...
Umair's user avatar
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How to create custom rules action event conditions?

Is there any universal formula or module to create custom rules actions, events and conditions? So that I just have to replace the required values and rest of the code remains the same. I searched, ...
Umair's user avatar
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How can I log the flags users put, then auto unflag them?

I used this link to set up a UserPoints Store: Drupal 7 - How to Set up a Simple UserPoints Store. I need help finishing one thing: When user flags item some code starts working and logs the fact ...
Sammy7's user avatar
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2 answers

How to send an email to the admin when user fails to login?

I need to implement the functionality to notify the admin user via email whenever someone fails to login entering wrong password. Basically simple email format containing the username for failed ...
Laziz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to mark a node as read per user?

I'm wondering what the best solution is to mark a node as read per user. The below scenario is what I am trying to achieve: Admin creates a node which requires to be read and confirmed and flags ...
pacusi's user avatar
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2 answers

Send email to users, except author comments

Hello! I have node with field [field_users] (entity reference) I create rule [after saving new comment] Actions: Loop for field: [comment:node:field-users] inside loop i create var [users:mail] And ...
OnengLar's user avatar
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content access does not work after changing domain

after designing and developing a website I changed its domain. Now any of the permissions are not working. every thing is OK appearently but the functionality is not OK at all.(I mean all the ...
shekoufeh's user avatar
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How can I send an email to the previous comment author when a user places a new comment?

I want to get the Email address of last comment's author. Actually, I want to send email by creating a rule when new comment posted and this email will go to the user who commented on node before ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use the Rules module to award userpoints to referring users?

I am creating a referral program on Drupal. I have almost everything working right except awarding userpoints to users. I want to award userpoints to users after the person they refer to the site ...
marveangel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Why can my view not access the data of a new node when using Rules event After saving new content?

Using the Rules module and Drupal 7, I set up a rule "After saving new content of type X". This is what I want to happen when adding a new content of type "X": Based on its nid, call a view, which ...
user1249791's user avatar
6 votes
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Which user does the Rules module execute as?

I've set up a rule which is triggered by "after saving a new user account". This rule simply sends an e-mail. The e-mail contains various tokens, one of them is the field [account:field_country]. I'...
sbrattla's user avatar
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How to create a rule to assign roles to users based on some checkbox items in their profile?

I am pretty new to Drupal. I am using Profile2 so that the user can select there own user role. So say I have a profile page with some checkbox items like Automotive Computer Garden etc How would I ...
Ryan Hepple's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use the Rules and Group modules to send a privatemsg to users of a role in a group?

I am using the module Rules with Group (not Organic groups) as well as the Privatemsg module. I want to send an email to all users of a role that are in a group. I am able to send an email to all ...
Ryan Hepple's user avatar
1 vote
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Send email with profile2 fields with account email token in rules

I am trying to send an email to users contains information they put into their profile2 fields when they registered on the website. My problem is that their is no email field token available in rules ...
Roadkill's user avatar
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Current password required to change password for self-registered users. No password was ever set

I cannot figure out how to validate users through email using drupal. at admin/config/people/accounts I have Require e-mail verification when a visitor creates an account checked, and under Who can ...
DMAC's user avatar
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Remove login confirmation message programmatically

I have the login form displayed in the CTools modal dialog. When users log in, they see the confirmation message and a Rules action redirect them to the home page. How can I remove the confirmation ...
fadehelix's user avatar
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How to make the permissions of a module more granular?

Assume a (contributed) D7 module, say module ABC, comes with only a few permissions (which can be set on the typical /admin/people/permissions page). For example: Administer module ABC. Access (view) ...
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
2 votes
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How to revoke edit access to the node's author after publishing a node?

I am trying to build a new rule on Drupal 7 with both the Rules and Content Access modules (and its sub module Content Access Rules integration). Thus, I get new actions like "grant or revoke an ...
Toki's user avatar
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How to make the Rules module block flagged users from sending entityform submissions?

I am trying to create a simple block user functionality on my site. I have a "Block/Unblock User" Flag that other users can block and unblock so they stop getting contact emails from (via entityform) ...
Brandon's user avatar
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How to use the Rules module to attribute a new user role after a product was bought?

I use these modules: Drupal Commerce, Rules, Node option premium. My question: with Rules, how attribute a new user role, when the product was bought, and when this product is a premium content ? So ...
Frouite's user avatar
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Emailing a bunch of users selected from a user reference field

I have a node that lets me select multiple users in a user reference field. I also have a rules setup to email the author when someone makes a comment on that node. Now, how do I also email the ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
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How to login-redirect users to their profile page on specific days only?

By using Rules Once per Day module, logged in user would be redirected to profile page on specific day. My issue is, every time when user logged in to the site, the user is redirected to profile page. ...
latikas's user avatar
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Different user registration

small question I've created a content type 'Player' with the necessary fields. With the 'Inline Entity Form' module i've added this tot the default user registration form. Now when a user register, ...
DDHOOGE's user avatar
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How to show messages starting with "Debug : " to an administrator only?

I'm developing a lot of complex rules in D7 and for debugging reasons it is very handy to have different messages (the standard Drupal message) within the website. For this I use "showing a message on ...
Justme's user avatar
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Rule to store user's last post date and scheduled rule based 30 day reminder

In this scenario, user's can post 1 node of a specific content type every 30 days (interval changes depending on user role). We are using node_limit to accomplish this; it's doesn't play with rules. ...
Sam Roy's user avatar
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Password request redirect to another page

I click on forgot password page it redirect me to which is fine now when i enter email id . it redirect me to "http// */. I want it to redirect ...
Hitu Bansal's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use Rules to restrict the edit and delete options if a field has value "approved"?

In my website I have 3 roles: user, tester and admin. When a user submits the content, tester will check and approve it. As long as the content is not "approved", users can edit and delete their own ...
Raj.G's user avatar
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How to let users choose one role from 2 offered on their account page?

I have Drupal 7 installed on my local WAMP server. I need some simple solution to let users choose one role from 2 offered on their account page AFTER registration. Is it possible to do it with the ...
Alex777's user avatar
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Why does my Quiz rule stop working after adding an extra user profile condition?

I have a Drupal 7 site, that uses Rules and Quiz. I have a rule that adds a role after the user takes a specific quiz, which work fine. Here are the details of it: Event After updating existing ...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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emailing users in user reference field with rules

I am working on a site for an academic conference. Right now, we have two content types (1) proposal and (2) peer review. In the proposal content type, an author can add multiple presenters to a user ...
knowledges33ker's user avatar