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Questions tagged [mimemail]

The Mime Mail module gives Drupal core and other Drupal modules the ability to send HTML email messages.

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2 answers

I cannot send HTML mail using "{{ node.body.value }}"

I use Drupal 9 and the Rules module to send emails when an Article node is updated. I installed the Mimemail module and set the formatter to mimemail; all the field are correctly rendered. Only {{ ...
Webster H.'s user avatar
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Theming mime mail rule email send

I've got a rule that fires properly and sends an email after a comment is saved. I want to theme this specific rule using the documented method. My template name: mimemail-message--rules--...
rd89's user avatar
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How can I send an email for confirmations via a webform?

I'm fairly new to Drupal development but have been learning quickly. I've been trying to setup my Drupal site to send emails for form submissions confirmations through Webform (I just need us to be ...
Joe Balfour's user avatar
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Send HTML mail with plain text mime/alternative (for anti-spam)

We use Webform Drupal 8 module to handle newsletter subscription on a website. An html formatted email is sent to confirm subscription. Unfortunately, this email is sent with only content-type:text/...
Philippe Chaissac's user avatar
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How do I name a mimemail-message.tpl.php template to be used with a specific webform?

I cant seem to get the naming of the mimemail-message.tpl.php correct in Drupal 7. I know the naming scheme says "mimemail-message--[module]--[key].tpl.php" but either I'm not understanding ...
Lenny's user avatar
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What's The Security Implications for "Send arbitrary files" in Permissions

For my webforms, I want to receive attachments, when I receive an email. I had issues receiving them until I set the permissions for Anonymous User to allow them to use "Send arbitrary files"...
MetalBearSolid's user avatar
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Image URLs aren't MIME encoded in email

I'm using Drupal core 8.9.3 and Mime Mail 8.x-1.0-alpha3. I have installed MimeMail and implemented mymodule_mail hook. The UI is set to use "Mime Mailer mailer". The UI for Mime Mail is ...
grk's user avatar
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How do I send a HTML email?

Does anyone know how to send HTML email using the Rules module? This was a pretty common task in Drupal 7, and I think the rule was included with the Mime Mail module. The Drupal 8 version of Mime ...
liquidcms's user avatar
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Email isn't sent to Hotmail

I have a webform which sends two emails upon submission: To the administrators of the site via webform emails To the client who submitted an email via rules using 'send html email' Everything is ...
ram_griever's user avatar
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Attachments are included only on manual resend, but not on initial form submission

Using Webform and Mimemail to send HTML emails and uploaded files attached to emails. When submitting the form, the file is not attached to the email. The box is ticked. If you edit the submitted ...
user3108268's user avatar
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How do I send HTML mail?

Trying to send HTML mail from Webform using Mimemail I've copied mimemail-messages.html.twig to my theme's folder and it's properly picked up. Problem is it's applied to all outgoing emails, user ...
Honky Donkey's user avatar
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Attach file to email

I have a site with a webform, which when submitted sends an email. The form has a file upload which should then attach the file as an attachment to the email. I'm not getting any attachment. I've ...
lordZ3d's user avatar
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Fetch Customer Profile from Line Items

In a webshop I’ve build I want to send individual e-mails to owners of a prodruct in the shop after a product is sold. To do this I got this as a solution: Send mail to product owner with Rules But ...
Joost's user avatar
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HTML markup is removed from email

I am trying to send an email with a small html form of hidden fields and a submit button. I have been piecing this together from several very incomplete answers and documentation sources that take ...
Anonymous Man's user avatar
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Why can't I save a Send HTML Email action?

I have a rule component set up that currently sends an HTML email. I need to change the body of the email to include a new field, but when I do and press Save, it doesn't return to the Rule page, it ...
Paul Drake's user avatar
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Sender name in "send HTML mail" rule

I have a local site I am testing. I have PhPMailer installed which works fine to send plain text email with the Sender name populated properly. However when I installed MimeMail and try to use the ...
Sharon Dankwardt's user avatar
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How do I send plaintext email?

I've been using a combination of drupal_mail() and Mimemail to send out HTML formatted email; it's working fine. However, in some circumstances, I also need to be able to send out plaintext email, ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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Why isn't the default template used?

I set Mime Mail as the sitewide default mailing system and overrode mimemail-message.tpl.php. My custom template is used correctly for e-mails like account activation, but when I send an HTML e-mail ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Message template with mail key

In template_preprocess_mimemail_message() I checked that mail key is mimemail_message__subscriptions_mail__node-type-post, but none of these templates is using in the email: ...
MelNik's user avatar
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Sending multiple attachments following the module instructions doesn't work

Through drupal_mail('mymodule', ...) I'm trying to send e-mails with four (4) attachments. When I send an e-mail, I is delivered instantly with the correct subject and body. However, I only get the ...
Marijke Luttekes's user avatar
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Include email attachment in new content Rule

I'm trying to send an attachment within a rule I've set up for new content notification. I have the requisite modules installed: Mail System, Mime Mail, etc. I've set the rule up to send HTML mail ...
rrirower's user avatar
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Conditions for using mail.css with drupal_mail()

Problem I'm trying to style an email sent with drupal_mail. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't and I can't work out why. I'm running mail system, SMTP and mimemail: Mail system sets up: ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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How can I send emails with drupal_mail() and hook_mail()?

I have this code for send a simple notification email. function mymodule_commerce_checkout_complete($order){ $buyer = user_load($order->uid); if(in_array('wholesale', $buyer->roles)){ $...
svelandiag's user avatar
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HTML markup is still stripped out, even if I am using the mimemail-message.tpl.php template

I'm having an issue where confirmation emails from Ubercart seem to have HTML markup removed. In my setup somehow the HTML markup in the Ubercart email template is being stripped when it reaches the ...
LoneWolfPR's user avatar
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What function should I use in instead of mimemail()?

I was using mimemail(), a function defined from the MIME mail module, in Drupal 6 to send emails using attachments. The Drupal 7 module doesn't have mimemail(). What function should I use in Drupal 7, ...
harshal's user avatar
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Print module PDF attachment

I have a custom module that provides a path that sends an email (mimemail) with a pdf attachment generated from the print_pdf module that comes with the print module. Here is what my HOOK_mail ...
2pha's user avatar
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How can I send HTML mail when a new content is created with attachments using these modules?

In my project, I need to send HTML mail when a new content is created with attachments using the Mimemail, Mail System, SMTP, and Rules modules. Plain text mail is working fine with rules module but ...
venkatesh's user avatar
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Mime mail system attaching two files [duplicate]

I am trying to send pdf through using mime mail module + mailsystem module + smtp authentication module function send_mail(){ $to='[email protected]'; $subject='xxxx'; $message='aaaaa'; $from='x123@gmail....
Nuk's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Sending HTML email with drupal_mail()

I'm trying to send HTML emails from a module and I'm using drupal_mail(). It's not possible to send HTML email with just drupal_mail() (see here), and I've installed Mimemail. However, the email is ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I use these modules together?

Is it possible to use Mimemail, Mail System, and SMTP Authentication Support modules together? Currently I am using Mimemail to send HTML-formatted messages; however, because of the configuration of ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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Email isn't sent on dedicated VPS

I have this code in a custom module used to send an email through Mimemail if (!isset($message['headers'])) $message['headers'] = array('From' => $from, 'Sender' => variable_get('site_name', ...
albo's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding CSS styles

I'm using the Mimemail module with the Simplenews module to theme an email newsletter, but it's not the least bit clear to me where I can store my styles so mimemail can then add them as inline styles ...
Jane's user avatar
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