I have an aegir platform and I need to set up a drush alias file for all of the sites for our developers. I can't seem to figure out the best practice to do this. Normally we would set our 'remote-user' and that user would have access to drush but on aegir, drush is limited to the aegir user. I've follow these instructions http://community.aegirproject.org/node/427 to make is so certain users can also use aegir but I keep getting 'drush needs a higher bootstrap' error.
I have considered just setting the 'remote-user' user to aegir and then useing passwd to set a password for the aegir user but I'm not sure what secondary effects that could have. Presently we just su as the aegir user when we need drush.
Am I approaching this the correct way or is there a better way to approach this problem?