I'm wanting to apply some specific CSS on the condition that a block region is empty. How do I make this check?
2 Answers
An update on this. I used the solution at https://drupal.stackexchange.com/a/73685/56728 as follows
module_load_include('inc', 'block', 'block.admin');
global $theme_key;
$blocks = block_admin_display_prepare_blocks($theme_key);
//test for a named block's (here the help block) visibility
foreach($blocks as $block){
if($block['delta'] == 'help' && $block['region'] != -1){
sdpm($block['delta']. " is visible!");
This detects whether the block is visible or not, but does not quite do what I'm after which is to test for the visibility of a given block on the current "page" for the current user. That to me sounds like what block_list() does, but I'm stumped by block_list() as I mentioned above. My "solution" also very likely not the most elegant way of doing things so any help from experts out there would be greatly appreciated. Nat
If you're in you're in a page template you can check your $page
region variable for an empty an array of block objects.
if (empty($page['my_region']) { /*DO STUFF*/ }
If you're in another context you can use the block_list function to determine this.
$blocks = block_list('my_region');
if (empty($blocks)) { /*DO STUFF*/ }