I'm trying to apply this to each block in a region:
He is generating zebra striping per div here, which is fine, but I'm wondering how I would apply this to each block in a given region.
Would I use something like block_list($region)
This code is supposed to go in template.php
function likemind_zebra($id = 'global',
$odd_class = 'odd', $even_class='even') {
static $cursor = array();
if(!isset($cursor[$id])) {
$cursor[$id] = 1;
return $cursor[$id]++ %2? $odd_class: $even_class;
I'm just trying to figure out how I would get it to apply to each block in a region, rather than the whole region.
is defined within the block templates to allow for the ability to zebra stripe them in a region. See api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules!block!block.module/function/… for more info or to let me know what I am missing here...