We wanted buttons to add Definition Lists (dl, dt, dd tags) in CKEditor using this CKEditor plugin ckeditor-plugin-descriptionlist. There is already ckeditor_descriptionlist module but not available for Drupal 7 at the moment.

So, we packaged CKEditor to have descriptionlist plugin in it. Here is that custom built CKEditor package: ckeditor-4.5.11-full-with-descriptionlist.zip.

Problem is that three buttons from descriptionlist plugin is not available in CKEdior profile configuration pages to add to any particular profile.

I know we can backport above mentioned ckeditor_descriptionlist module to work in Drupal 7. But I am asking whether it will be possible to bring that buttons for configuration without using a drupal module as we have CKEditor package with required plugin?

1 Answer 1


I found the solution myself.

Earlier I was using "CKEditor 4 Presets Builder" available at https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-presets . That is not required. I just have to put copy of descriptionlist plugin within "plugins" directory of CKEditor library. Then those three buttons started to appear in CKEditor profile configuration page.

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