I have several site on Drupal 8.5 where I don’t see the "taxonomy term" option in view. So I can’t create a view that lists taxonomy terms of a vocabulary.
See the first screen shot to see the problem.
Why I don’t see this option ? Is there something to install or enable ? I’ve checked a lot of things and I still don’t understand.
Below, there is a second screen shot of an other Drupal where I have this really useful field.
Finally, this is what I would like to add in fields
and Filter
in view.
composer create-project drupal-composer/drupal-project:8.x-dev drupal --stability dev --no-interaction
and I see the same thing. The option in the select list are not the same as before (category : global or taxonomy term
). Now I haveComment statistics, Content, Content Revision, File Usage, Global, Search
you can't selectTaxonomy terms