I don't know if I am missing something, but when I check the box for Rewrite the output of this field or anything under the style options to customize the HTML nothing happens. I check it, save it, open it again and the boxes are unchecked. Anyone know what’s going on?
Edited for clarity. I create a new view, with the following settings: Page, Format:Unformatted list, Show:Fields, Fields is Content: Title. In the settings for Content: Title I check to create a label. I click under “Style settings” Customize field HTML, Customize label HTML, Customize field and label wrapper HTML or even Rewrite the output of this field, but nothing happens. If I save the checkbox goes back to unchecked
SOLUTION Got it. Views 7-3.3 does not work with jQuqery 1.7+. It prevents the box from expanding after clicking the checkbox
Source: http://drupal.org/node/1494860