So, I've been trying to get this figured out for most of the day. I had it essentially working in the previewer at one point, but now it doesn't seem to work at all.
Use case: each node published with the content type "Article" comes with a Taxonomy field for included tags. What I'm trying to do is to create a block that appears under the article with a series of thumbnails that link to other articles. These articles in turn are related based on the tags used in each article.
So, the question is:
- What would be a good way to set this up using Contextual Filters and Views to have the View itself automatically see the field_tags used as a Taxonomy term reference in an Article, and have it automatically display the output based on the tags of each article?
I've tried setting up the Contextual Filter to be aware that the terms would be in the Content Type: Articles via the Relationships filter, but frankly I'm kind of stumped as to what I need to do to even accomplish this.