I have two fields displaying multiple values from select lists. The first field's a term reference field, the second's a text list. So,

print render($content['field_term_list']) produces

  • Term1
  • Term2

and print render($content['field_text_list']) produces

  • Text-item1
  • Text-item2

I'd like to merge the output into a single list, preferably sorted alphabetically, and print it from a new variable:

<?php print ($combined_lists); ?>
  • Term1
  • Text-item1
  • Term2
  • Text-item2

How can this be done using theme_preprocess_node?

  • What you will want to do is look at what is actually in $content['field_XXXX_list']. They are "render arrays" and contain all the information in more or less raw form that render() then creates the HTML out of. Craft/sort/do whatever you want with them both in your preprocess_node() hook and assign that to a variable and you'll be all set.
    – Jimajamma
    Commented May 1, 2013 at 1:15
  • @Peter Clemence, when you say "combined", you'd want to show them in a new dropdown or say, an item list? Commented May 1, 2013 at 1:28


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