Hello I´m trying to get a link from my thumbnails gallery http://www.nellens.com/home/photos to the full size gallery http://www.nellens.com/home/photos-full for each "Photo" content type that I have, but when I put the node (I tried with 2 methods, first creating a text field where I put the URL and another following this tutorial drupal.org/node/1215544, so I put in this case [counter]), but nothing overwrites my output link, it always lands to /content, showing all the fields of my content type, and I just want to show my full size pics fields only, not all the fields. My content type is made by a thumbnail image, the full size images that have relation between them and a tag field. So I did create all as in the FAQ tutorial but when I try to overwrite the thumbnail in the block to show the relative images and to land to the page /photos-full, it just does not work, it always lands me to /content.
Thanks in advance.