We have an old site running Drupal 6. When we try to upload a file via the interface, the ajax uploader spins, and reloads the "Choose file" dialogue. Checking the recent error log I get:
The file upload failed: field_small_banner_0
If I go into the location URL (?q=filefield/ahah/gallery/field_gallery_image/0) I get:
{ "data": "\x3cdiv class=\"messages error\"\x3e\nAn unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (64 MB) that this server supports.\x3c/div\x3e\n" }
I've seen mentions of ModSecurity but this is not active. I've checked the permissions of the files folder and this is 777.
I've checked phpinfo for the temp folder and that's set to /tmp
Many thanks :)