I have been using Views on Drupal 7 a lot and I enjoy it every time. Great module. I have always noticed the existence of "Master" display while creating views but, never bothered about its existence until today when I noticed that there is no "Master" display in my another server running the same instance of Drupal 7 (same version of Views and Views UI modules)? The two servers differ only in OS, Apache, MySQ and PHP versions, shown as follow:
Core : 7.31 Views : 7.x-3.8 Views UI : 7.x-3.8 PHP : 5.3.3 and 5.4.16 Apache : Apache/2.2.15 and Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) Database : 5.1.73 (MySQL) and 5.5.37-MariaDB Centos : 6.5 & 7.0
I am a bit confused why "Master" display is not present in recent server but, is available in my other server even though both run same instance/version of Drupal 7? I would greatly appreciate if you could share your knowledge/understanding of "Master" display and its existence/use/purpose (in theory or practical examples if you got any).