I can use drush sql-dump to get the production db from my remote server and save it to my local machine no problem using:

drush @site-live sql-dump > /home/backups/my_db_backup.sql

but i want to enable the --gzip option to make the process faster which i've tried with

drush @site-live sql-dump --gzip > /home/backups/my_db_backup.sql.gz

but i get this error from archive manager in Ubuntu:

gzip: /home/backups/my_db_backup.sql.gz: not in gzip format

For starters...can i actually use --gzip with sql-dump?

UPDATE: the problem appears to be that "stdin: is not a tty" is being appended to the first line of the file whether it is a plain .sql or a .sql.gz file

  • Which PHP version are you using?
    – kenorb
    Commented Jan 29, 2015 at 20:20

3 Answers 3


Here are few checks you should do:

  • make sure that your gzip program is in your $PATH (just check if you've gzip command),
  • disable any drush verbose messages to avoid printing any extra lines from terminal which could break the compression,
  • temporary use -vd to check how the command look like (Executing or Backend invoke) and make sure you've --gzip in your argument list, if it's not - you're getting the plain version of it for some reason (so you can redirect to .sql file instead)

If your --gzip is not invoked, even you're specifying one and gzip is configured correctly, then it's probably a drush bug. I think this could depend on PHP version which you're using as I've the same problem with PHP 5.5.


From a quick search this seems to be a ubuntu(debian?)-specific issue, as it doesn't by default open a tty for a remote ssh session (your command worked fine for me on CentOS). Try adding --tty as an ssh option to your drush command.

Maybe of use: https://www.drupal.org/node/1783330

  • thanks for this but this is what gets written to the .sql file when adding --tty: stdin: is not a tty Unknown option: --tty. See drush help sql-dump for available[error] options. To suppress this error, add the option --strict=0. Commented Jan 30, 2015 at 11:03

OK i managed to solve this, the first thread in this question made me check my centos server to see if the mesg y was still in any of the bashrc files and i found the culprit in /etc/bashrc on my centos box. I was logging in from a terminal to whm from Ubuntu (whether Ubuntu made a difference i'm unsure).

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