I am using Flexslider with Flexslider Field Collection.

This is working.

But now I need to include Links for each slide. And only found help when using Views.

Is there a way to include links to each slide without Views?

1 Answer 1


Just found it:

my Slider-Field-Collection ("field_slide") has:

[Label] -[Field Type] - [Widget]
Title- Text - Text field
Body - Long text - Text area
Image - Image - Media file selector
link - Link - Link

Display settings:

[Field] - [Format]
Image - Image Link Formater - Settings: Link image to: link (field_link)

in my content type I use that "field_slide" (embedded) and on display settings: Flexslider

This makes it easy to create content and add unlimited images (as slides) without creating each slide as a node.

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