I have bean block with a list (list_block) of other bean blocks (content_block) which I use in slider. I have multilingual site, so I have 2 languages English and Spanish. Each content_block has translation (so it has both English and Spanish variants). So the problem is:

I have an empty field Description in one of my content_blocks and it's empty only for English version, but it has data in Spanish version. So when I go to see the slider (with the list of content_blocks) on my homepage in English version I see Spanish value of this field but not empty value. When I add English value to that field the problem disappearing and English value appears in the slider. So why this happening? And how to force Drupal to use English version of the field even if it has no value but it has Spanish version of the field ?

1 Answer 1


Go to the Views admin of the block, and filter by language. It will automatically only show the node in the language that you select.

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