I use The Print 7.2.x module and want to work with The wkhtmltopdf library.
I downloaded library files from this address: https://github.com/wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltopdf (this comment adviced to download this version from git ) and extract downloaded folder on sites/all/libraries. I enable the wkhtmltopdf handler module and go to configuration pdf of print module . see these files for choose :
wkhtmltopdf (sites/all/libraries/wkhtmltopdf-master/docs/usage/wkhtmltopdf.txt)
wkhtmltopdf (sites/all/libraries/wkhtmltopdf-master/src/pdf/wkhtmltopdf.cc)
wkhtmltopdf (sites/all/libraries/wkhtmltopdf-master/wkhtmltopdf.qrc)
wkhtmltopdf (sites/all/libraries/wkhtmltopdf-master/wkhtmltopdf.pro)
when select one of these and go to status page recieved this error on status report:
Unsupported wkhtmltopdf version - The currently selected version of wkhtmltopdf () is not supported. Please update to a newer version.
I read several article about installation of this library but in those articles use command line . I can't understand how i can install this library and pdf generator on my drupal site.where is my require file library?
My host is linux centos 64bit - 6.x I use cpanel. and I am admin of server and have access to ssh.
Please help me. THank you beforehand.