I cannot translate a content type

The configuration objects have different language codes so they cannot be translated: node.type.article : fr core.base_field_override.node.article.title : en

I think it was because by mistake the article was created in French then after I go back to en... But I don't know how to change it ?

I tried to fix this via drush :

drush cset node.type.article langcode en   

but it doesn't seems to work so I would like to know how to fix it via the admin ?

2 Answers 2


Export the configuration:

drush cex

then change the langcode in sites/default/files/config_HASH/sync and import the configuration again:

drush cim

Look for all non english langcodes that are in the base sync folder (or non default langcode, if you have another default language).


What worked for me, was to make the content type translatable again together with the specific field with the wrong translation. Then add the correct translation.

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