I am using Drupal Lightning and a bootstrap subtheme. I have a requirement to place a section of the node page template in another block region. So I need to access the nodes fields in that block, fields like the taxonomy, block, breadcrumbs. Example my node--page.html.twig template prints these fields:
{{ node.title.value }}
{{ content.field_text }}
{{ drupal_view('mysection', 'block_1') }}
{{ drupal_block('mytheme_breadcrumbs') }}
It also has an includes template
{% include '@mytheme/includes/section.html.twig' %}
I can print these fields fine in a node template
But I need to print these fields outside of the node template and into a block. I tried to create a View block and set a contextual filter "Content ID from URL" Then placed the View block in a region and then in the region template I tried to access the node fields from my region template but could not. I can access the title and body fields. This is the template.
I then tried Entity blocks. I created a new block of type Entity view (Content). I tried to access the node fields from my region template but could not.