When trying to authenticate a Twitter account using the Twitter and OAuth modules, I get the following error

Could not obtain a valid token from the Twitter API. Please review the configuration.

I have since found that The following error is recorded in Watchdog

exception 'TwitterException' with message 'Unauthorized' in /var/www/html/sitex/public/sites/all/modules/twitter/twitter.lib.php:151 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/sitex/public/sites/all/modules/twitter/twitter.lib.php(114): Twitter->request('https://api.twi...') #1 /var/www/html/sitex/public/sites/all/modules/twitter/twitter.lib.php(51): Twitter->auth_request('https://api.twi...', Array) #2 /var/www/html/sitex/public/sites/all/modules/twitter/twitter.pages.inc(343): Twitter->get_request_token()


Having checked out the URL which is generated and sent off by drupal_http_request I get the following error message

Failed to validate oauth signature and token

I have checked the following

  • Followed https://drupal.org/node/1346824
  • Reinstalled both the Twitter and OAuth modules
  • Ensured my OAuth Consumer key is correct
  • Ensured my OAuth Consumer secret is correct
  • Ensured I have Read & Write permissions
  • Ensured my server time is within 5 minutes of Twitter's as per this thread
  • Ensured my server is running extension=php_openssl.dll
  • Ensured my callback URL is correct - http://mywebsite.com/twitter/oauth

    Note that I am not on localhost, nor is my host behind .htaccess

Visiting my callback URL results in the following error at /admin/config/services/twitter

The connection to Twitter failed. Please try again.

  • I am not on localhost, but have tried the suggested callback URL regardless.
  • I do a version compatible/containing "Patch 5" as mentioned here
  • I'm using the following versions of the modules

    • Twitter 7.x-6.0-alpha2+1-dev (But have tried 7.x-5.8 too)
    • OAuth 7.x-3.1
    • Core 7.22

I haven't enabled the following- Do I need to?

  • OAuth Provider UI
  • Twitter actions
  • Twitter Post
  • Twitter Signin

I'd appreciate it if anyoneis able to provide insight!


1 Answer 1


This just started working with no change- I can only assume it was a temporary problem with Twitter at the time.

To some degree a useless answer, but the question gives others a list of things to try in the same situation and allows me to mark this question as resolved.

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