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1 answer

How to list blogs by anonymous in blog module

I am able to list blogs by a specific user, e.g. /blog/123 - where 123 is the uid, but when I use /blog/0 I get access denied. Can someone advise on a config setting to enable /blog/0 to list blogs ...
therobyouknow's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to allow editing a single node to a single user?

I am building 500 nodes of same type with different info in them. When I am finished, I want to give each user that will register 1 node that is already in the system, and only that user can edit or ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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Content Access Help

Are there any modules for 7.x that will allow users to select whether content they create will be for authorized users only or anonymously viewable?
Moe007's user avatar
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1 answer

Render Panels Overridden user profile template

I have overridden the user profile template using Panels module and want to render this overridden user profile in one of my custom module. Actually I wanted to show "About Author", tab besides the "...
Kalpesh Patel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Create "suggest an edit" functionality for anonymous users on nodes

I'd like to provide a way for anonymous users to submit nodes, but also provide suggested edits to existing nodes. The core node revision system cannot support this. How would one implement a ...
Matt Glaman's user avatar
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How to send email using Rules from user references CCK Field?

I have 2 types of content that are: Videos and Customers. A video can be related only by 1 customer. I want that when a video is created or edited, will send an email to the customer associated with ...
Dvex's user avatar
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Granting per-node-type permissions in hook_node_type_insert()

I use the Override Node Options module to specify granular permissions for publishing, leaving Revision log entries, etc. for each node type. I almost always grant the same set of permissions to a ...
Lanny Heidbreder's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I restrict various roles with limit in creating nodes of a particular content type [closed]

How can I restrict various roles with limit in creating nodes of a particular content type?
NewToDrupal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I restrict users to some parents node with node hierarchy?

I have the Node Hierarchy module on my Drupal installation, and I am using the following hierarchy: Main Navigation (menu) Art & Sciences Art Sciences Economy News World wide Other What ...
Adysone's user avatar
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Unable to add content?

I am working on a project with a fresh install of Drupal 7.41 and the customer wanted to use a Themeforest layout. Installation of core, theme and modules went without a problem, however, when I try ...
Jason D'Amico's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to limit Node refernce field selection to user own nodes?

If there are 3 content types that user can create A, B and C. A is main content, B and C are secondary content types, each time B or C created they automatically have reference to A. My goal is to ...
ijujym's user avatar
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Delete/create nodes programmatically

I created a custom module that uses the Taleo Web API to get data from the external Taleo database and make nodes from this data. This works great. But now I want to run this update script every ...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
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1 answer

Place output of a custom module in a specific region

I am using the following code in a custom module to get the title of the node form in the node creation form, i.e, if i add a new content of type BLOG then on top of that node_add_blog form i get a ...
user145078's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Getting the value of a user reference field and using it to display information about that user

I am quite new to module development although I have experience in modifying existing 6.x block modules developed by others. I have a need to develop a 7.x module and in spite of a lot of ...
Richard Luckhurst's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I associate multiple nodes to a user?

I have some users, and I have a "product" content type, which has the following fields: "name," "type," and "description." I want to associate specific nodes of this content type to a user. How do ...
EKK's user avatar
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How to make Posts/Blogs mentioning a user appear in the user's profile?

I'm using Drupal 7 and I created a simple page where users are able to create challenges and tag people in their posts. For tagging I used the Mentions module and it works fine, I'm able to visit ...
Viktor's user avatar
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1 answer

Private files aren't blocking direct access to image files

I'm currently very confused by how private files work: I have a content type that has an image field and a file field. Both are set up to use private file access for their contents. Node access on ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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How to delete specific nodes from a custom module?

I have built a custom nodule that prints a button to a block on the user edit page using panels. Right now it just grabs the userid and spits it out to a drupal message. My goal is to have the button ...
Amy's user avatar
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How to print all Roles that are granted access to a Node in TPL?

Anyone know how to display Roles that are granted access to a node in a node TPL in D7? IE: Admin, Editor, Food Snobs: I have already tried Devel and Devel node access, yet there is no info. I am ...
Frederick Weiss's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How can users write a bio on their profile page?

I'd like my users to be able to write a bio on their profile page. Therefore, I added a long text field called 'Bio' to the user accounts. I created a view that shows the user's bio and wanted to add ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Content not unpublished [closed]

I am trying to unpublish some content by going to admin/content and then checking the chechbox for those content and then in update options i do a Unpublish selected content but then i get an error: ...
user145078's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to enable "find content" for a role in Drupal 7?

I created a role called "Writer". When a writer logs into the system, they have the black toolbar across the top of the page. They have the "add content" link which is great. How do I enable the "...
learningtech's user avatar
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Allow registered users and anonymous users to add node with Password - "Password node"

I've just installed version 7.x-1.x-dev of the protected node module on a drupal 7 site. As administrator, i can manage averything as desired. That mean can set password on node. But my problem is: i ...
danyhiol's user avatar
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1 answer

Call User Profile Field in Node Template

I have a field in my user profile of byline (field_byline). I'd like to call this in the node template so that the byline is included next to the author's name (e.g. Posted by Mr. Rogers | Sweater ...
btotheg's user avatar
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Default terms based on user role

I have Node with taxonomy terms. Example Term A Term B Term C and user role like this Role 1 Role 2 Role 3 Using Taxonomy Access Control(TAC) I can limit Role 1 can add all terms, Role 2 only ...
just-d's user avatar
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1 answer

Change value of user reference based on node reference

Is there any way to refine the user reference field values based on node references value. Let me explain : I have one node reference field and user reference field in one content type and another ...
Sumit Madan's user avatar
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Looking for a workflow module that can control content access

I have a content type called "article". It needs to go through some workflow states when people try to submit a new article: submitted -> review 1 -> review 2 -> published. During each workflow ...
user785179's user avatar
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How to make user profiles editable by site administrators

For a site I'm building, Profile2 is not an option because it doesn't play with Pathauto. As an alternative, I want to extend the regular user profiles with a mugshot and a bio text field. I don't ...
Arkane's user avatar
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Filter nodes matching user account field [list (text)] using different field names but same key

There is a field of type list (text) [field_list_user] on user accounts and a field of type list (text) [field_list_node] on nodes. Both fields have exactly the same keys but different labels [and ...
0x6d6c's user avatar
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How do I add a node from a view to user profile field?

I have list of courses of course content type in a view. I want to add "add course" button with every listing of node in view. When a user is logged in he can add a course to its profile information. ...
He-mant Kr's user avatar
1 vote
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Module to add keyword search capability to content admin page? [closed]

Is there any module or technique for D7 that can provide this functionality?
A_funs's user avatar
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Determining What Text Editor to Use By Default Based on Site Location in Drupal 7?

Okay, so this is something I've been wrestling with for a while. We have several different types of users on our site. For example: Bloggers, Writers (for actual articles), editors, and ordinary users ...
John Riley's user avatar
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Node save after user login

Is there a module which redirects Anonymous users to user login form after submitting node form and saves the node only when user successfully logs into data? Will I have to do it by $_SESSION if ...
Villie's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to enable users to add content only from some pages (and only once) in Drupal 7

i currently need to implement this use case in drupal. We have two different type of users: registered users and moderators. I need to do the following: registered users can add only one particular ...
Nicola Peluchetti's user avatar
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Views to create author information on the content page

While any user visits any content (node) on my site then that node should also have information about the author who created that node/content. For this i am creating a view as : View of type user. "...
why's user avatar
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Achieve single node field edit to have different values for each user?

I am trying to create lets say and activity node which allow each user to insert a different value without having to create a node. for example: I created activity1 node, and then I will allow user a ...
Boby's user avatar
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Stop node being edited programatically

I have written a module that puts a "generate pdf" link on a node when it is viewed. What I now want to do is lock the original node after the pdf is generated. I know I could just add a "locked" ...
Cameron Ball's user avatar
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Get access to node titles and nid's only

there are two content types on my site: Projects and Employees. Employees has a user reference field, Projects have several node reference fields to Employees (according to different project roles). I ...
StG's user avatar
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Make blog available to authenticated users only

I have a site which lists some events in a block using the agenda module. I have this set to be the main content (eg taking up the center of the page). This is the only content I would like general ...
Toby Allen's user avatar
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Run PHP when node and/or profile is updated?

I wanted to run an external script when a user profile(2) is updated, and/or when a node is updated. I've added the code to the themes template.php, but no go. What have I missed? <?php $...
Daniel Holm's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Display Signup info in custom node template

I seek help on how to display the signup's module info in a custom node template. I have created a node template for a specific content type, but by looking the variables inside $content I cannot ...
Perisdr's user avatar
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Nodehierarchy and access control...

This webcast has a walkthru of NH; it includes the NH.Access module. I assume that he is using 6.x, as a lot of stuff is still very much beta'ish in 7.x, including NH. I'm wondering if there is a ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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How to auto assign node reference value D7

I have user profile with fields: date field: "date of birth" (format: y-m-d) node reference field "card_ref" which should automatically reference to content-type "cards" node. (users cannot change it ...
raganara's user avatar
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Best practice: needs private and public contents of same type

The website need News, Image Gallery and Announcement. But all of the News, Image Gallery and Announcement has 2 types: public and private. The private content is tend to be a "collaboration platform"...
apasajja's user avatar
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My page showing up with a title, but with the content div empty, but only for users

I've created a new content type that has the default 4 fields (Title, Body, Meta tags, URL path settings) and one List(integer) that I added. I called it "Basic page". When I create a new Basic page ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Node Access table goes empty

I currently have a project where I am inserting mulitple records into Drupal using node_save. Its usually a couple of hundred at a time. For some reason, sometimes the node_access table ends up empty, ...
lordg's user avatar
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CCK Node Reference options not showing "this post can't be referenced."

I have a CCK field of node reference. As user 1 I can set the node ference field to a node. I will see something like Node Title[nid:123]. When I go in as another user I see [nid:123]. When I go to ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Search results showing nodes which are already under NODE_ACCESS_DENY

In Drupal 7, I have some nodes that are restricted access for anonymous user. I implemented this using hook_node_access where if the user_is_anonymous and if the operation is View, I am giving ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Can't show custom user field on nodes

This is a follow up question to: How do I show user attributes on articles? I still can't get the "Twitter URL" field to show up on articles, and got tired of reading through the Fields API docs; I ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to embed user photo upload form in a page of Drupal 7 site

I want to embed user photo(avatar) upload form in a node page like this: node--37.tpl.php so a user can change or upload their profile picture by visiting a particular node. Can't understand what to ...
rakibtg's user avatar
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