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2 answers

How to force users to logout after X minutes of inactivity using Rules, Views?

How to force users to logout after X minutes of inactivity using Rules, Views or any other popular module ? update 2012-01-27 Where can I find an example how to do the forced session expire using ...
LLub's user avatar
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3 answers

User register and login functions are called from hook_form_alter, but user isn't logged in

Background I'm attaching the user register form, to the node create form with hook_form_alter. that way I create a node and user at once. In order to validate and register the user, in ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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2 answers

How to extend default user registration page in Drupal 7?

I would like to extend the default user registration page by adding more fields that will be stored in the same users table of database with the default fields. What is the easiest way to do that? ...
Leo's user avatar
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Display content type in custom display format

I created an content type of name "profile", where it has fields Profile Name, Image , message , body. It displays in this format attached image_1 Now how can we arrange or make change in custom ...
Rafee's user avatar
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2 answers

Entity reference to user doesn't work without 'administer users' permission

EDIT: I have most probably found out the reason thy it works (or doesn't work actually) this way. The problem is that I don't have legitimate access to the user node that is being edited. I only '...
Petrroll's user avatar
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2 answers

hook_permission and control access [how to redirect to the login page if user not logged in]

How does one limit "what" can access a page. I have little understanding on how to use hook_permission() to set user permission based on a role to control access to hook_menu() items. However, what if ...
Hitesh's user avatar
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2 answers

Programmatically create user reference field

I want to add a user reference field in taxonomy term. I create field and it's instance: $field = ['field_name' => 'mymodule_employee', 'label' => t('Employee'), 'type' => '...
menelai's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I sort the order of status messages?

I add my own validations to forms, for example the user registration. The errors I set with form_set_error are added below the drupal generated errors. I would like to show them in the same order of ...
uwe's user avatar
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3 answers

Disable displaying user picture in page--user.tpl.php

I don't want to display the user picture on the user account page. It is not a field, so I can't simply hide it in display settings. How can I disable it in Drupal 7?
cateye's user avatar
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Create two views this the same url and different permissions

I would like to build a set of views, all of which use the same url. I also want to set up role based permissions for each one so each users get routed to a different view when they visit the url (...
Hoytman's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it possible to login to Drupal with a custom user field, instead of username/pass?

I have two websites - One of them is Drupal 7, and the other is a different site (Site #2). In Site #2, within the user tables, is a field called "customid". Each user on Site #2 has a unique, ...
NickyTheWrench's user avatar
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2 answers

Why can my view not access the data of a new node when using Rules event After saving new content?

Using the Rules module and Drupal 7, I set up a rule "After saving new content of type X". This is what I want to happen when adding a new content of type "X": Based on its nid, call a view, which ...
user1249791's user avatar
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Hide user pictures from guests and web crawlers

I'm using Drupal 7 with Blog and Comments and user pictures enabled. The theme is Bartik. The user pictures are also used in the Flash game that is embedded in my website, so I can't just turn them ...
Alexander Farber's user avatar
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3 answers

Drupal 7: check login password with DB password

I'm working on drupal 7, i'm looking for developing customize user log-in module into my site. but facing a problem in that, when we are submit log-in page then password doesn't match with DB password....
Chandresh's user avatar
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Theming User Profile Edit Form not Rendering results.... Help?

I am not rendering any results. This is my template.php: function fueldeluxe_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { /** * Account edit Forms */ $items = array(); $items['...
user avatar
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2 answers

how do I change the number of nodes that the admin layout shows?

The drupal 7 admin overlay for nodes seems to show 50 by default. How do I a raise or change that number? I've googled for this information, but apparently I'm not guessing the right keywords, ...
user1359's user avatar
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Can't show custom user field on nodes

This is a follow up question to: How do I show user attributes on articles? I still can't get the "Twitter URL" field to show up on articles, and got tired of reading through the Fields API docs; I ...
Mike's user avatar
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How to use view's relationships to pull user entity reference data?

I created 2 new user fields for the user (object/entity) on my D7 site. Using views, I can select 'content' or 'user' for querying data. When I use views to query the 'user', the 2 new fields come up ...
Shawn's user avatar
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"Fetch entity by property" for users that share terms with new node

I have a content type of RFP that has a term reference field named "RFP Categories". The users also have this same term reference. When I publish a node, I want to email all users who selected a ...
doub1ejack's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I change a rendered user display to a combination of fields linking to the user?

I have a set of users on the site I'm building that have First and Last name fields in their profile. How can I create a display that will show the user link as "Last name value, First name value" ...
UltraBob's user avatar
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No emails being sent when using User Registration Password set up

When a new user registers with my website it displays "Thank you for applying for an account. Your account is currently pending approval by the site administrator. In the meantime, a welcome message ...
CardiffSteve's user avatar
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What limits the options in a Bulk Operations Menu (beyond their initial settings) regarding rule components?

I created a View Bulk Operation (VBO) that should allow an admin user to change the author of several nodes at once. Everything works fine when I am logged in as the root user. However, when I am ...
Hoytman's user avatar
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2 answers

I want to redirect the user to profile page after they log in

I want to redirect the user to profile page after they log in. i tried with some modules but those could not help. i am using D7 version of drupal and tried with login modules
Manu kumar's user avatar
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How to hide specific fields and the according label in a view, based on field permissions?

I have a view called Profile that displays some of the user fields. Amongst these is a Name field (field_name). I'd like to hide this field except for the administrator and the user himself/herself. I ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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Edit user account how to check before update if the role check box is selected?

I have a module that when my user changes the user details hook_user onupdate, pushes these details to an external database. However I would like this to only work when role X is selected, else my ...
Tom's user avatar
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3 answers

How can you display the current user's name in the header region?

I created a new user. When they logs in, they should to see their user name in the header region. I can create a block for header but I am not sure how to create a block that displays the username ...
autop's user avatar
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How to add condition in between fields in Profile2 module in drupal 7?

I am using the Profile2 module. Two fields are there in the Registration Form i.e. I am : [Baby Male, Baby Female, Daddy, Mummy] & Looking For : [Baby Male, Baby Female, Daddy, Mummy]. if ...
Nishant's user avatar
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Require specific access for certain pages with only one input field [duplicate]

For certain pages i have to require a login first (custom form with 1 input field). When you try to reach the URL of one of those pages you are redirected to a login-page They have to fill-in a ...
meez's user avatar
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2 answers

Limit amount of content creation per anonymous user

In my site anonymous users has access to create one type of content and all data the site stores is user IP address. How do I limit lets say e.g. 2 nodes creations per IP in 12 hours? And when limit ...
Optimus Prime's user avatar
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DeployAuthenticationException: Authentication error when try to push the content

I have two sites on my localhost registration and testing. I want to push the content (node having type article) from testing to registration.I am using Deploy module to do this, by following this ...
Rahul Seth's user avatar
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Limit the number of uploads per image field depending of role

I need a hook (or something similar) where I can set the number of image uploads depending of the role of the user. In the settings of the field there is no way to set the maximum number of values ...
user avatar
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How can I hide Delete option from Operations in Admin - Drupal 7

I have a user with a role with restricted permissions. The content type is restricted to "Edit" only. However, the Operations Select box still displays Delete. Well, as I can check several ...
Cesar's user avatar
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User_save is very slow for no apparent reason

As you could see on picture, saving data for users is very slow. Queries run fast, but for some reason it takes up to 2 minutes to save user data. The same happens with logging in. What is more ...
Blissful's user avatar
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Cannot log in to Drupal site [closed]

I have problems with a Drupal 7 site. Sometimes, when I try to log in as non-admin user I am not able to login, despite typing in the correct email and password (I am using the Email Registration ...
Pranav Gandhi's user avatar
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5 answers

Create role for changing user accounts and not admins

I am developing a documentation site for a client. The site has the option of Who can register accounts? set to Visitors, but administrator approval is required. So, currently only Admin(user1) is ...
AjitS's user avatar
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2 answers

how to ignore the validation of hidden form fields in the user registration form?

I am having a problem regarding the validation of the hidden fields. I have some some fields that are hidden and only visible if a specific field is selected. And I marked those those hidden fields ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Set a page to show only to registered users

I have a website with two pages. The "home page" and a "notice page". The notice page should only be viewable to people who are logged in or people who have the role called "Basic User". I have ...
EGHDK's user avatar
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Best method for multi-page user registration form?

I am trying to set up a multi-page user registration form, and I would ideally like to use the Webform module to do so. Can webform fields be mapped to user registration or user profile fields? Here'...
hockey2112's user avatar
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How to attach node to user profile?

How can I attach a node to a user profile with profile 2 (or some other way)? It says here that it is possible but it does not say how.
user19422's user avatar
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How to Force Visitor to Login after 3 Consecutive Download

My site serves downloadable files. How can I force them to login/register after downloading 3 consecutive files? Is there any available modules for this? If not, is there a sample script to start ...
jaypabs's user avatar
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Limiting users to edit other users

I have a hierarchical user structure, so every user has a entity reference field that points to another user - his/her supervisor. The thing is that I need to give every user the permission to ...
Petrroll's user avatar
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give node author ability to position the image when uploading content

I have a field of type image "COVER IMAGE" in my blog entry content type. The users should have the power to place it wherever they, down,right or left, if not more and re size it. right ...
why's user avatar
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How to create one more registation page in drupal site

In our drupal site we have a Registration page. and the new requirement is creating the one more registration page with same functionality(newly created registration page also use same database to ...
sai vijay's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can I create a user object in a custom form and save it?

Basically, I want to create a user object in a custom form and save it in the database. This is my custom form and its handlers. function registerme_newform($form, &$form_state) { $form['account ...
Prerit Mohan's user avatar

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