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3 votes
1 answer

How to create a view to display a block of referenced nodes?

I have a node type, called "policy", that has a bunch of CCK fields, including a Node Reference type. This is configured to reference an unlimited number of nodes. When the nodes are viewed, the ...
Tim 's user avatar
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1 vote
4 answers

Multiple "unused" Views displays

I'm creating a heavily customised website in Drupal. I want to use Views as a data source for a page with several options, where each option corresponds to a different display in a View. The reason I ...
Matthew Scharley's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Are taxonomy fields exposed to views?

I am trying to create a view of nodes that have a taxonomy reference field. I can get the taxonomy term but do not see the taxonomy fields that I've created exposed to views. Google searches do not ...
Jepedo's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Customising the first item in a view

As a block on my homepage I'm trying to output: <ul> <li><a><img><p>Node 1</p></a></li> <li><a>Node 2</a></li> <li>&...
Daniel Nitsche's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can I have a views field handler with an exposed form, or a filter handler with pre_query?

It's basically in the title, but here's the question: I'm trying to create a way to allow the user looking at a view to control which columns are visible. This isn't very hard, provided I can get ...
Ricky Morse's user avatar
11 votes
10 answers

deleting comments in bulk

how can I delete all comments at once? I have seen how to do it with nodes and bulkdelete module, How to delete all nodes of a given content type? but am looking at a similar solution for comments. ...
brian_d's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to create a node revision view with a "Node" row style?

Is it possible to create a node revision view with a "Node" row style? This does not seem to be an option in the Views interface. "Fields" is the only options presented for this type of view. Is ...
markdorison's user avatar
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4 answers

Overriding a View table layout in module

I'm trying to override a view table from within my module. I can't locate what the arguments are suppose to be and in what order (for my hook_theme func). I copied the theme file from views/themes and ...
lordg's user avatar
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1 answer

"Node: Created day" mismatched, not reflecting the actual created day

Views Version: 7.x-3.0-alpha1 I was trying to create a blog archive view, like blog/yyyy/mm/dd, where blog/2011/03/10 is supposed to display all posts created on 2011, March 10th. However, the page ...
gilzero's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Can I use simple XML to feed views?

I want to use the power of views to handle my data which comes from simple xml representing just a grid resp table <list> <listpos id="12312"> <foo>attr1</foo> <...
groovehunter's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

List outline of books related to another book by a node reference field

I am using the book module with four content types: A, B,C and D. A is the content type for child pages and the rest are allowed in book outlines. I also have a node reference field in A that allows ...
Perbert's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

I created a view of a page and a block, but cannot find either. Where are they?

I created a page view, but when I type in the address for it, it shows "Page not found". When I try to put the block where I want it to go, it doesn't show up, not even under disabled blocks. What ...
Keith Groben's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

How to create a block with views filter form available on each page of the site?

This is for a site of a small real estate agency. I have a property_offer content type set up and offer type vocabulary, with 4 terms (Buying, Selling, Put out to lease and Take on lease). Then I ...
mmartinov's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Building a Views Filter

I want to build a filter for a custom module I built and have integrated with views. In essence, the module allows you to define types of relationships between different nodes. I'd like to create a ...
lordg's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Custom SQL: nodereference joins and latest VID

I'm having a heck of a time constructing a custom SQL query. The query has multiple nodereferences and needs to return the latest node revision. I understand joins pretty well, but for some reason ...
ack's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Gmap Views Module - Popups are too big

I'm using GMAP module and its views counterpart. The issue I'm having is that I'm using a custom text field to display fields wrapped in HTML that I have pulled in from the query. However, the popup ...
MrMaksimize's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Views Slideshow vs list View+jquery cycle lite?

The rotating images on my work site's home page are created as a View in list format. I'm using the jQuery Cycle Lite plugin for the rotator effect. The cycle.lite.js file is set in the scripts array ...
epersonae's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

hook_preprocess_page(): how to tell a views page?

Im writing a custom module that need to insert some javascript and css files only in a Views page. Im using hook_preprocess_page, but I can not tell if the current page is from a view: function ...
Strae's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Duplicate taxonomy terms from view

So I haven't yet been able to find a solution to this without using a preprocess function to check for duplicates or just using the 'tagadelic' module.. it'd be nice to get some closure. How do I ...
Storsey's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Views 2 Conditional Filter

How can I apply a conditional fitler to a view (using views 2)? For example: I have a view which displays the teasers for several different node types using a filter on Node:Type in [Blog entry, ...
cjworden's user avatar

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