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How to add multiple products to cart at the same time with attributes

I have different view blocks that display multiple products on the same page, each product has their own attributes such as product bundle and custom line item, these serves as an option set / ...
Danz's user avatar
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jquery date picker in views exposed filter changes the date values

I have a node type "tasks" and created a view so that current logged in user can see his/her assigned tasks. I have used a "time ago" formatter in the field "deadline" which shows the remaining time ...
Najam's user avatar
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1 answer

Grouped exposed filter is not available

I'm trying to create a filter within a view, which has multiple ranges; i.e. 0-99 100-399 400-699 700-1000 I have seen this before when you Add filter criteria, you can select grouped exposed ...
Rob's user avatar
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3 answers

Why Content Path cannot be used to sort a view?

Using Views with Drupal 7, how can I use the content path to sort a result table? I have node title, created date and path as fields for a view. The first two fields have the checkbox to make them ...
Gueno's user avatar
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2 answers

Views not showing date field in proper time zone

I created a node type with a date field (from the date module). I list nodes of this type in a view. The problem I have is that the date values being shown by the view are in UTC (ie as they are ...
user1750's user avatar
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Passing dates or date ranges into a view as arguments

Drupal 7, Views and Date modules installed. I have a view on a content type with a date field (timestamp, but I can change it if necessary) When I use it in filter criteria, I have no problem to use ...
user1014351's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to translate taxonomy terms displayed via an exposed filter in views?

I'm using the Views, i18nviews, and Entity Translation modules. All of my terms have already been translated using Entity Translation. In views displays, the translated terms appear in the correct ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
4 votes
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View exposed filter block no alter form with ajax

I am trying to filter out the no results items in my exposed filters. (I know i can use selective filters, but in this case i can't use them). So i alter the filters with form_alter, check which ...
mgoubert's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use url alias in views for taxonomy terms?

On a Drupal 7 site with pathauto installed I'm using a view to show all taxonomy terms of a given node. The terms are linked to the term's page. The problem is, that the path of those terms does not ...
user5950's user avatar
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2 answers

Programmatically modifying global custom text field in view

I have a (Apache solr) view with a Global: Custom text field in addition to my normal fields. This field is meant to get value from a custom function/existing field/passing an existing field to a ...
optimusprime619's user avatar
4 votes
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How to link a view to the current language with a no results fallback to the default language?

I've already figured out how to link views to content language by the Content: Language filter. I know that I can create a second view to use as the No Results fallback and use the Global: View area ...
Robert K's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I create an image gallery?

Currently I am running in D7 with the following modules: Media 7.x-2.0 Views 7.x-3.7 Colorbox 7.x-2.4 I am trying to create an image gallery using these modules with the following steps. Please ...
otc61686's user avatar
4 votes
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Display a grid view without border columns

I'm trying to display a specific number of products in a e-commerce drupal site in the front page. I would like to use a display as in my theme's demo : I ...
KLaz's user avatar
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Using a View in a tooltip for an image map hover link

I have a imagemap with various tags, it works well in my Drupal instance, I can click on the various areas to get to my pages. Now I want to hover one area and display a tooltip with information ...
Marcandria's user avatar
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Get field_collection values in field template

I have installed field_collection and have a collection called field_contact, each entry of which has a field called field_contact_url I'm trying to customise the display of that field by overriding ...
ChrisJ's user avatar
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2 answers

Contextual filter with hierarchical taxonomy terms

Using contextual filters, I have created a view which shows a page of users at us/california, based on a taxonomy I have made of locations. This taxonomy is hierarchical, though, so when the user ...
Dorothy Parkour's user avatar
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3 answers

Different view page based on taxonomy depth?

I'm wondering if there is a way to show a different view (or view part) based on the current depth of the term level? Example I have a bunch of categories and subcategories. For the categories I want ...
Steven's user avatar
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How to include any view into the same panel

To reduce duplicated panel pages for every view I want to display, I'd like to re-use the same panel (the same layout) for several views. The problem is that I can't find how to include ANY view in ...
Normunds's user avatar
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3 answers

User contributed image gallery, per node

Working on a new Drupal 7 based site. Put together a few sites back in the 5 days, but lots has changed. I'm looking to allow users to upload images to a particular content type, and to show those ...
Laizer's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to set Permission based on roles for Views Data Export

Using views data export module, I set the permission for different roles in the Data Export in Views like: But I can still see the Export button for all users in front page. However if the role doesn'...
user avatar
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What is the difference between a JOIN and a RELATIONSHIP in hook_views_data_alter()

What is the difference between these two as implemented on hook_views_data_alter()? Why choose one over the other? I did notice that in setting up a relationship between mytable1 and users tables, ...
okey_on's user avatar
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Allow the user to send emails to all or selected rows in a particular views display

Salut! I have been working on a 100% non-profit project for 1 month and now I am facing a problem with the main feature that this project offer for free. The project is a website about people ...
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<a> and <img> links not generated as https:

I am new to Drupal and having an issue relating to SSL. The view I'm working with is using the jcarousel module to display images with links. The data contains a link and image source. All of the ...
Vilmos's user avatar
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Display comments according to the users roles

I try to create various tabs for my nodes, which show a specific field and the comments of the users according to their roles : I would like that these tabs are pages, and not in Javascript tabs. ...
Hgfdsoiu's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a hierarchical exposed filter in views using the Data module?

I'm using Data module to adopt tables from the same DB as 'native' Drupal tables and Views module to present the data. I added two dropdown exposed filters with Selective filter module. It takes all ...
Khrystyna Zub's user avatar
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Search API path make SEO friendly

I am using Search API. I make a view of all the indexed entities and uses Taxonomy term as Contextual Filter. But the path of view is not SEO friendly. The path is like
Pankaj Sachdeva's user avatar
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How to add a class to the <a> link elements within a Multiple Values field in a View?

I have a Views field (in this case, taxonomy term references) with Multiple Values set to "Display all values in the same row", using the Link formatter and a seperator. I want to add a class to each "...
user56reinstatemonica8's user avatar
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How do I edit the output of a field?

I am creating REST API using Services Module in Drupal 7. I have created a View to Get lists of Groups. In this views, I have added a Field privacy which will tell if the group is Private or Public. ...
Malik's user avatar
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Custom Views Sort Order Using Filter Value

I have a View containing a list of events. There is a date field on the event content type which contains start and end time: There is a filter for start time, which is setup using the Views ...
littledynamo's user avatar
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Override a node page of specific content with views page

I want to create a views for overriding the node page for specific content. For example, when I click the link of a node in a list page, by default , it will go to the node page (e.g node/1), but I ...
hkguile's user avatar
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2 answers

How to remove markup from file field

I have added a file field in views and when displaying it has some markup like this <div id="file-218" class="file file-image file-image-jpeg contextual-links-region"> <a href="#"> ...
Nabil's user avatar
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Displaying Content Flagged by User Name with Flag Module

I'm using Drupal 7.38 with the Flag (v7.x-3.6) module, along with Views. I'm setting up a flag for content. My goal is to display a list of users whom are flagging content (along with aggregated ...
frankwebstadium's user avatar
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Get Location module Block : how to show map markers for particular taxonomy term - exposed to user

I am using the Get Location module for building store locator functionality in my site. I have made a content type with field = address and field type = Geolocations Fields with widget = Geocoder. I ...
Sugandh Khanna's user avatar
3 votes
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Filter date from current date to upcoming 7 days?

I have a week type calendar view. It currently displays form SUN to SAT of the current week. But I need to display it starting from current date to current date + 7 days How can I achieve this?. ...
user avatar
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Render a view exposed filter in a region without exposing it as a block

I have already 20+ view pages that use exposed filter for filtering out content. What i want is to place the filter in the sidebar and not in the top of the page (different region). I can exposed the ...
Drupalizeme's user avatar
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Some fields are not sorting properly in view

I'm trying to create a directory list in view. But some of the fields are not properly sorting. See the below image for my view configuration. And the output of the view. Update: Style setting ...
WebLink's user avatar
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Drupal Views Custom Table on Multisite

I have installed a drupal7 multisite. Views module is present in main site (sites/all/modules/contrib) Custom module is present in site1 (sites/site1/modules/custom) In custom module (site1), I ...
Rajesh Ashok Kumar's user avatar
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How do I prevent D7 exposed filter on end date from reverting to start date if no end date has been entered?

I have a "membership date" field with an optional enddate and want to create a view showing membership list at a selected date (exposed filter). The basic logic is clear: nodes should appear in the ...
Gary's user avatar
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2 answers

Expose Date Filter instead of Start & End Dates

I have a content type event with start and end dates marked. I have create a view with exposed filter, where in users can choose a date and see the event on those days. Right now, view is only ...
esafwan's user avatar
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Drupal 7 AJAX error when running batch with Internet Explorer

I'm getting an AJAX error when running any batch with Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10. This error occures when I'm using "feeds" module, "views send" module or when I delete a user. For example, when ...
jhujhul's user avatar
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Is there a way to use tokens in a Views: Link Display setting?

This question pertains to Drupal 7 and Views 3 (specifically 7.23 and Views 7.x-3.7): Is there a way to enable the use of custom tokens within Drupal Views Link Display settings? My use case is a ...
Derek's user avatar
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Views slideshow with two pagers

I want to have a views slideshow as the following: Two content types which one has image field and the other has video field. I need to have two pagers for the slideshow, one pager for content ...
Abdulrahman's user avatar
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view access permission

I have a problem with view permission, when I make a view in drupal 7 there is an option "access" when I specify the option eg:"view published content" all users that has the role of published content ...
Rahmatullah's user avatar
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How can I show only first level terms on a dropdown taxonomy exposed filter?

I have a 2 level taxonomy tree: Countries and cities. I also have a view of content, all of which are marked by first level terms (countries) of that vocabulary. My taxonomy tree is like that: ...
Sinan Erdem's user avatar
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Related terms summary views block

I have a content type with two fields for two different taxonomy vocabularies (Section & Extras). "Section" only have one value, while "Extras" can have multiple values. I created a block using ...
Emil Orol's user avatar
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Using Views for a custom table with multi-value fields

I have a custom table with two columns - the primary is simply entity IDs (nids), and then there is a data column, but it it can be a multi-value (from 1 to anything). How can I structure the MySQL ...
Vacilando's user avatar
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Multiple Select Listbox Views Filter Drupal 7

I have a view with some fields in place for instance one field is a product name. I want to make a multi-select listbox that will allow for selecting 3 of them from the list of products that's a field ...
pointlomabill's user avatar
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Views autocomplete exposed filter

I am using autocomplete exposed filter in views for country/city with depth which is working fine but there are many identical city names. When user types XYZ he sees 2 entries: "XYZ" "XYZ" and has ...
Azz Kawa's user avatar
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Internal Server Error with Multiple Tags

When creating a Drupal view that filters based on multiple tags, I'm getting the following error when I click preview: An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 Debugging information ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to pass the query string used to access a page in a link in a views content pane?

On a views content pane that shows a list of taxonomy terms, is there any way to simply rewrite all the term links such that the query string in the URL with which the page was accessed is appended? ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar

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