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Relative date filter views block is cached for anonymous users

Drupal 7.74, views 3.24 (latest) I have a view which uses a date field to filter and shows on: less than or equal to "now" I display the view in a block. With caching for anonymous enabled, (...
user3016811's user avatar
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Display multiple timezone values from a single date/time entry

In Drupal 7 Views Date/Time field, is there a way to generate multiple timezone values from a single event date, with start and end values? For example, if an event is entered into the start/end Time ...
Molesworth's user avatar
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Views date exposed filter by year in checkboxes

I have date field. In views I want to add the a date exposed filter. This filter will only display year and we can select multiple years. Just like this I have checked the better exposed filter ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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Show content with a date after the current one on a view

I'm creating a calendar of events with Drupal 7 using views. At the moment the elements are shown in order of the date of each one (I have a date field where I put the date of the event). Now I need ...
Berta Nicolau's user avatar
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Error 500 when adding contextual filter in a view

I am working on a site for a radio. I need to show the programmes in a schedule table. People in the radio used to do it with an Excell document saved in html, I displayed in an iframe. Now I want the ...
Mars's user avatar
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Is there a date / time format that only shows minutes if they are non-zero?

I want a time/date format in a View that renders like this when a time ends in :00 Sep. 16, 2017 - 2pm BUT, renders like this only if minutes are present: Sep. 16, 2017 - 2:30pm Currently, I use ...
Tantalus's user avatar
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How to show event calendar with active links and event details underneath

I wanna show a page with calendar by month and all the upcoming events that fall within that month underneath. So, on the page, I'd have this calendar that shows the current month: Underneath I want ...
user219492's user avatar
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Change Created Date to date from field_post_date

I am changing a large amount of news content types 'Created' dates. I figured out to use VBO with execute php and this code... $entity -> created = strtotime($entity->field_post_date[...
timwhelan's user avatar
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Calendar View Remove Duplicate Items

I'm using Calendar module to display a list of nodes with fields related to that specific days. I am handling multiple date fields using contextual filters. For example, if an item has a Preview Date ...
Sam's user avatar
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Multiple date fields

I have a customized Calendar view. When I created the view using the template, it allowed me to select one field to be used as the date. Is it possible to have multiple date fields, for example Due ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to add month and year dropdown to calendar month view

I want to add a month and a year dropdown to the month view of calendar so a user can jump to any month from the dropdown and can jump to the year, if selected. (Users can pick month OR year and will ...
Purcell's user avatar
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Date filter GRANULARITY for Search API VIEWS

I am working on Search API view. There is a Date Exposed filter. The requirement is we have to filter based on Month-Year instead of Day-Month-Year. But there is no Granularity option to select for ...
Pankaj Sachdeva's user avatar
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Date iCal Date & Time Not Passed on Correctly

I'm having an issue with the Date iCal module where the specific time is incorrect. The date is correct, the title and body are correct, but the time itself is incorrect. It just defaults at noon ...
Matthew's user avatar
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How to make my date field show up in a view?

I have a content type "Appointment" that has a date field. I collect end dates in that field as well. I have to create a view that lists the appointments in the system. When I add the "appointment ...
redamakarem's user avatar
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Grouping content by Years (For eg Archive 2014-2015 or Archive 2014-16)

I want to group my content type to group by years in views, for example Archive 2014-2015 or Archive 2014-16. How can I get this groupings? Archive 2013-2014 -COntent 1 -Content 2 -Content 3 Archive ...
user81244's user avatar
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Node post date in views exposed filter as a select list

I want to add a node post date exposed filter to the views in the following format. The date exposed filter will be a select list with the following options: All Today Yesterday Past Week Past Month ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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show only empty available times

I am using the Calendar and Services Views modules. What I am trying to achieve is a service view (JSON) that only lists available times for that day (hours list). It would be nice if, when a new ...
SoundCheese's user avatar
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How To render calendar view header programmatically

I am using Page calendar and I want to print calendar view header in a different block. How can I achieve this?
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Views date filter by year - only one select list for the year

I have a content type "news" and a views page to list the news. The views contains a exposed filter (category and year). How can I realize the select list "Year" with the follwing options as exposed ...
drupalfan's user avatar
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Views - Filter Dates/Years

I'm stuck on a necessary component for a website I'm working on. I've got a content type called "Photograph" which has a variety of fields including one for "Date", which includes a variety of ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Display Count of associated nodes as "more" in Calendar View?

I'm using the Drupal Calendar module to create a monthly calendar view. As is default behavior the monthly calendar shows a list of the days events on each day. I have the Format Settings set to only ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to customise calendar week view's day title?

For example, how can I show Jul 4 (Mon) instead of the default Mon as day title?
ohho's user avatar
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Scroll Calendar View so that it Centers (vertically) on page

I've designed a calendar of events. It uses a Next and Previous pager. With the theme I am using, the top of the calendar displays part way down the screen when first viewed. The user typically ...
rrirower's user avatar
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Missing Year Filter in Views

similar issue to Drupal 7 Views - Date Filter Cannot See Year However I verified the format being used is the short date format and in the datepopup.module file, I made sure it was set to m/d/Y but ...
rvizena's user avatar
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How do I change the date format of a single result?

I have a view that gives me a list of nodes titles and when it was last updated. I want to display the changed date with only time if it is today, otherwise I just want the date, e.g. 17.00 or 15 ...
Tommy Andersson's user avatar
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Get clean date without any HTML tags

I am using the Date module together with a view to display dates, and I need to get the date timestamp. The problem is that $fields['date_in_timestamp'] content comes wrapped in HTML. <span class="...
chalo's user avatar
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Calendar module translation

I have installed the Calendar module and would like to translate a few fields: At the above screenshot, I'm looking for the day strings ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", Wed",...). I've been searching everywhere,...
Bv202's user avatar
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How to hide time from the date display?

In a view using Articles and Blog posts sorted by recent post date, I'm using [Content: Post date] and I would like to display (as a column on the display) as only the date and not the time, i.e. 2016/...
TdeV's user avatar
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Multislots in calendar for a custom field in views Drupal

My table (from another database) is exposed as entity in Drupal 7, so I can create Views from it. I have two fields in the database (start_date and end_date). How can I make views treat these custom ...
TheCoderGuy's user avatar
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Select node if there periods overlap

I have a content type that has a start_date and end_date fields. I need to make a view with a filter: start_period - end_period The view should select all nodes where the two periods overlap, for ...
lorenzo's user avatar
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How to list nodes posted in current month?

I try to list nodes posted in current month, with Views. I tried to add a Contextual filter: Created: month, but no node appears. I tried a Filter criteria: Content: post date / Is equal to / An ...
Fluidouix's user avatar
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How to use the Time ago view formatter when you have an end date collected in your date field?

I have a date field in a content type with a collected "end date" and I want to show the end date in a view with the Time ago view formatter. The problem is that I don't find where to select the end ...
Yanet Salazar Gutierrez's user avatar
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Drupal 7 Views - Date Filter Cannot See Year

I am trying to create a view with exposed filters for a date field with a start date and required end date. However, I cannot see the year for the date when I created the filter. I can only see the ...
vimonta's user avatar
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Sorting Views by current week

The Date module with Views has functionality to filter dates with a granularity by Day, Months, Year, etc. but not for weeks. So to do this with a Contextual Filter and PHP code to retrieve the ...
KyleRiggen's user avatar
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Views Contextual Filter by current day

I am using the Date Repeat Entity module for generating a checklist for users. I am able to use Views to display the list in chronological order for tasks relevant for the current user using a ...
KyleRiggen's user avatar
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Sorting Views by Day and Month only

For a Birthday field using the Date module, Views sorts it by year. This puts the dates in basically random order once you format it to display only the month and the day. Could it sort by day and ...
KyleRiggen's user avatar
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How to use ungrouped date fields as data for Charts Views?

I have a content type with the following date fields: Start Date Deadline Date End Date Deadline date is programmatically calculated, where as Start and End are based on user input. There is a ...
Jed_BH's user avatar
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How can I change the path of calendar views?

I use the calendar module and the views come with it. What I want is: When my url is http:mysite/2015 display the year view and when my url is http:mysite/2015/03 display the month view (March of ...
sharktale's user avatar
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How to make a chart in Views with date as x-axis (using the charts module)?

I want to make a simple view using the Charts module. The x-axis will be a custom field of type Date that I want to show in Y-m-d format and grouped by the same date. The y-axis will be NID with ...
zephirus's user avatar
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Date exposed filter - Hour of day

I have a content type with a "Date Repeat" field. I also have a view displaying events on a calendar. What I need is to have some exposed filters to show only the events that happen between 2 and 6 ...
Marius Ilie's user avatar
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Get yesterday's content with contextual filter in views block

I have a view and I try to show only yesterday's content. I add a contextual filter "Content: Created date". If I select "Current Date" from "Provide default value" its works perfectly. But I select "...
sharktale's user avatar
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Rotate Specified # of Views Results on a Time Based Schedule

I have 1000 results in a View Block. It contains a title and a teaser body. I want to be able to show 10 different results every week. How can this be done using Views? Or is there additional modules ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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Views Calendar Pager Skips a Month Forward

In our calendar constructed by Views, the pager (also constructed by Views) skips a month when you hit next. However, the "previous" pager button only goes back one month. So it goes forward two ...
Travis's user avatar
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How to get unpublished date of a node?

Is there a way to get the unpublished date of a node? I want the date of unpublishing of nodes to be displayed in the view in a grid. I need it non-programmatically (ie, tweaking the UI), but if it ...
nawfal's user avatar
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How to give default today date value in exposed filter?

I am using exposed filter condition for date field in views. I want to see the data in view by current date as default ..for that i am trying to give date field should be default by today date and ...
DINE's user avatar
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How to create a Views custom exposed filter with predefined range of date values (today, next 15 days, next month)

I have a content type "event" with start_date and end_date (fields by date module). A View lists this events and I need a custom exposed filter with a SELECT with 3 options: -All- Today In the next ...
MXT's user avatar
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Add interval to current date and dispay result in views

I have a field in one of my content-types that contains a interval (using the interval module). I have configure the field so that the user can select how many years a curtain certificate should be ...
Fever's user avatar
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Why is my MONTH view still showing a DAY as the title?

UPDATE: I see the issue was not fixed in the current release so am especially interested in any suggestions for workarounds. For example, maybe I could hide the default header with CSS and add the ...
R. Durham's user avatar
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How to create a chart about the number of node views per day (since last week)?

I want to show my users a chart that lists the node views hit for that day (Content statistics: Views today), something like this: So the user can see how many views each node of his had in each day ...
Sohail's user avatar
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Edit Drupal Form in "popup" just like it is done in Drupal Views Edit form

I am making replica of views module. We when navigate to view in admin/list/structure, we add new view. Here we type name of our view and content type. After clicking "save and continue", it is ...
Sugandh Khanna's user avatar