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View button that links to current node

I'm trying to create this button in my views with a custom text, that needs to link to the current node. I know you can use links and that works, but.. i need something like a variable that makes the ...
Prezoncraft's user avatar
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How do I display category items in a view content pane?

I created an Events content type. I created a vocabulary that has two category terms, Events and Plays. I have a view that contains a list of all content of type Events. Each Events listing displays ...
lane's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I display a view pane with all items of a category?

I created an Events content type. I created a vocabulary that has two category terms, Events and Plays. I have a view that contains a list of all content of type Events. Each Events listing displays ...
lane's user avatar
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1 answer

How to show authorized users a link for relevant Views results using the Rules Link module?

Assume a list of entities, created by the Views module. For example a list of "All blocked/active users" which looks like so: User name Active Created date Last login Hillary....
Pierre.Vriens's user avatar
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How can I turn several Fields into a menu via a View?

I have 3 text Fields that I use for URLs, attached to a Panel Page. I'd like to create a menu with these URLs. I've sort of done this with a View, by setting the Contextual Filters to use the node ID,...
MeltingDog's user avatar
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How to create a block of links shared by a user?

I am using oembed to convert url to embedded content. I have enabled the oembed input filter in a text format. Now I want to create a block using views to only show the posts which have these links. ...
Umair's user avatar
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Adding a jQuery interaction with Views Accordion [closed]

I have a Views Accordion displaying some books under their categories. I want to add some jQuery interaction, so when the user clicks the triangle of each category, the content will be loaded via ...
Cesar's user avatar
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How to hide View Page Menu if there is no content?

I'm using the Views module (7.x-3.14) and I have a news view which shows all the articles on a page. I also have its Menu settings set to Normal, thus adding News to my navigation. This works as ...
a3hill's user avatar
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3 answers

How to display all links of the Answers module on a single page?

I using the Answers module, which provide the various set of views as shown in the image below. But it does not provide anything where we can provide these views as a link. I mean I want all these ...
CodeNext's user avatar
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Views: add (link to file field) to image field

In D7, I have an event content type containing an image field ("Featured image") and a file field ("Document"). I have a view of events containing documents, and would like to wrap a link around the ...
UTAN_dev's user avatar
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Why is "/es" showing up twice in my URLs?

I have a bilingual website using locale. I have a content type that has the "link" field. I have an Image Slider created with Views with the link as one of the fields. The url in the link field is "...
AndrewMRiv's user avatar
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Additional parameters in check_plain()

I created link field in cck and add the URl like with apostrophe ('s_data/test.pdf). But the View output displayed as (;...
sandy's user avatar
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Responsive design on a page using Accordions

I've been wondering how to make the text on this page ( stop overflowing into the images. I have tried floating the text under the images, but it is reset by ...
Crazy Diamond's user avatar
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Views image field linked with nofollow attribute

I have a view that renders a list of articles. Each article has a title, a main image and a trimmed part of its body. I have both the title and the image are linked to the content i.e the article's ...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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Drop down of site pages for admin to choose

I have a content type which has a link (text type), and admin can manually insert his link. My site pages consist of the pages that work with views module (views page), and also pages that are ...
Majid Abdolhosseini's user avatar
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OG context not passed in Entity Reference View Widget

I am using Entity Reference View Widget module (ERVW) and set its view to have two args, 1st arg being the "Content: nid" set to "display all" on no filter value while the 2nd arg is "OG Membership: ...
Nonix's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't click link added to header of a block

In Drupal 7 I created a views page, and I want users to have the option to view the results either as a list, or with thumbnails (like on a lot of websites). The only way I can think of doing that is ...
user47143's user avatar
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Link field to content

In my view I have 4 fields including an image. I want to link a field other than image field to the content but there is no such option as for the image field i.e "Link to". How can I get this option?...
nomeer's user avatar
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Open node (internal link) in new tab

How can I configure programmatically a node object to open in a new tab? I thought maybe in the $node->path array? I don't see where and how I can achieve this... There is nothing such as a ...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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drupal_goto in new tab

Shortly: How can I open a drupal_goto() result in a new tab? More details: I've got a list of news, made with Views, that can be imported from a RSS feed (big custom module, very complicated, etc, ...
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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How to set the link in a view slideshow?

Currently, I'm creating a xyz resort website. In my home page, I implemented a slideshow by using views. I want the slideshow to be clickable: When I click on to the resort image in slideshow it ...
Niji Monachan's user avatar
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How to use a view block in a dropdown menu item?

I'd like to create a menu item that generates a dropdown menu with unread messages. I've already used Nice Menus for flyout menus, but I don't think that module supports what I'm looking for: the ...
Jeroen's user avatar
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How can I link one drupal View field (an image) to a QuickTab?

Im trying to link each image field of my view to a quicktab that I created. This is my view and this is how it looks As you see I already tried to put the url link and rewrite the stuff, I ...
capitanmelao's user avatar
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Outputing the field as link doesn't properly show the field properties

I want to output an image field as a link in a view. I've seen many tutorials but get stuck at one point. I already added the link on top of the image field. By clicking on the image at rewrite ...
Chris Klein's user avatar
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Open a specific View node with a link in an image

I'm stumped. I'm not even sure how to ask the right questions to search out an answer. What I have is a View of User Account images in a gallery. So far so good. I have another view of all User ...
user26400's user avatar
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Rewrite Results -> Output as Link: How do I get this to work?

Ok, so I have a table in my database that I am outputting by using a combination of the data module to bring in a table from my database and the views module so it can be displayed. The page with the ...
Dr. Dan's user avatar
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Can contextual drop-down menu replace menu tabs?

When I am viewing stuff I have admin rights to the tabbed menu with stuff like 'View | Edit | Outline | etc ' takes up too much space. Is there a way to switch drop down menus similar to those used ...
vfclists's user avatar
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slideshow_view: how to rewrite the output?

I have a content-type "gallery " which is composed of: Field Image Field Link (which is an EXTERNAL link like or so i've created a view with the link field hidden(...
LuciferSam's user avatar
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How to set one variable for each link on a views un-formatted list

I'm trying to create a variable to put in a l() function. It's the $rellink below. <?php print l('<span class="link-spanner"></span>', "$rellink", array ('html' => TRUE)); ?> I ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
2 votes
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Views Accordion to be accessible by keyboard

I need the Views Accordion module in Drupal 7 and what is in it to be accessible by the keyboard. When you are tabbing, it skips it completely. Also the screen reader does not recognize the closed ...
Diana's user avatar
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Link to node in views

I have a view which has 2 displays : List : Which is a unformatted list that contains a page Table : Displays the nodes titles in a table. What i need is to make the title in each row of the second ...
Youssef Bouhjira's user avatar
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D7 Execute javascript on views exposed filters AJAX submit (Dropkick)

I need a tutorial on how to run a piece of javascript after the AJAX form of a views exposed filter group submits. The problem is with using the Dropkick javascript plugin to style some dropdowns. ...
emc's user avatar
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Views Accordion not working when other Jquery plugins are used

I am having problem with Views Accordion when I am using Views Accordion and the Isotope Jquery plugin both on same page. Isotope Jquery plugin seems to be working fine, but the Views Accordion looks ...
AnAnD's user avatar
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Dynamic view per taxonomy term

I'm really stuck on a problem that I'm seeking assistance on. I currently have 3 content-types (Article, Photo and Video) and all of them use the same Taxonomy Vocab I've called Category. I've ...
maGz's user avatar
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Implement Field API Pane Editor into Views

I have a View which shows nodes from a content type. I need user to be able to edit only one field from these nodes. I installed FAPE module and read its instructions but cat figure out how to ...
Martin's user avatar
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D7 jquery dropdown menu categorized/ordered by content type and taxonomy

In D7 I want to create a jquery dropdown menu categorized/ordered by content type (first level) and (if content type has taxnonomy tags) taxonomy via views. What is the best approach? thnx!
headkit's user avatar
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Link field to views pages and nodes

On my content type I want to allow a content administrator to insert a hyperlink to a page and allow them to define a list of related pages. This works fine for linking to nodes, but I am unable to ...
Duncanmoo's user avatar
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How to create an 'Add item' contextual link for views?

I like the concept of contextual links in D7 and want to push it a bit further: I want views to have an 'Add item' contextual link, so the site administrator can easily add new items. Of course I ...
Dmitry Vyal's user avatar
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Contextual link for individual node?

When I hover over a block on the front end, I get the Contextual Links popup to edit the block. Can I also set this so when someone with permissions to do so hovers over a node, they get a link popup ...
Mike's user avatar
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how to make a field in a view be the link destination to another field?

I am trying to create ads on the sidebar to my site. I have created a content type that has 2 fields; an image field, and a link field. I now want to display the ads in a view by having the image ...
Ephraim's user avatar
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get rid of dropdown list on views exposed filter

I created a view with an exposed filter, that I set to autosubmitt. So when I start typing in the filter field, the list of items does get filtered live. So far I'm happy. What I don't like is the ...
modoq's user avatar
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How to implement a Views 3 exposed filter in block as a list of links, and update the view via ajax?

I need to create a views exposed filter that is displayed as a list of links, and updates the view via Ajax. I've tried using Better Exposed Filters and it will display the filter as links, but ...
AaronA's user avatar
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