Site Drupal 7 Commerce.
path pattern catalog category - 'category / [term: name] / [term: tid]
To display the product catalog categories set view 'catalog_view
' with parameters:
Page settings: path: 'category /% /%
', where the first argument - raw name term, the second argument - id term.
The Contextual filters are two filters:
1) Global: Null
2) Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)
I need to first parameter of the Drupal path ignored, and the second was used for the filter. But it is impossible.
When outputting through a "Preview with contextual filters:" everything is OK, displays all products in the category (for example, 'category / Tables / 109
But when you enter the same path in the address bar - miracles. Shows the correct goods category (products with tag id = 109
but is used template 'page - taxonomy - term.tpl.php
If an error in the name of the category (for example, 'category / Tab - les / 109
') displayed products with tag id = 109
and used our view 'catalog_view
Question two:
1) How do I get on the category / Tables / 109 displayed view 'catalog_view
' (ignore the path catalog and filter the first argument to the second argument).
2) How Drupal can trace routing? For example, I set the path 'category / Tables / 109
and I would like to see how the first through Drupal alias returns the path taxonomy / term / 109
like looking for a match this way what the views. As it is all a matter amenable to debug?