I would like to create a listing page of users of a particular role.

Inside this view, there should be another view which shows the related content for each user.

When I try to create a view the system gives me the option to use just fields, but I need to be created like a node so I can use a tpl.php file.

How can I get a tpl.php file for this?

If I create a view for the users and one with the contents(contextual filter uid), can I embed the second view inside the view-unformatted.tpl.php?

1 Answer 1


Here I create similar page with views: http://cgart.ir/en/members

as you can see there is a list of users and 5 last uploaded image. the page created with views and latest artworks is another views.

to do that:

  1. create first view for list users and in Format select Show:Rendered entity | Settings
  2. create second view and configure CONTEXTUAL FILTERS and add Content: Author uid

edit user-profile.tpl.php and render second view there:

$account = $variables['elements']['#account'];
<?php print views_embed_view('second_view', 'page_1', $account->uid); ?>
  • Hi Mohammad, thanks for you answer, it does almost what I want. If you cloud tell me just the last thing. If i want to not affect the profile page it-self, in temrs of views and style, should I manage it through css? For example a want a box to be shown on the listing page but not in the profile page. How can I do this? Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:25
  • you can add new view mode to profile via hook_entity_info_alter() and with $view_mode = $variables['elements']['#view_mode']; you can make difference in full and list mode of user profile... let me know if it's not enough... Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 10:59
  • $view_mode is like $page? It makes differences beetwen listing and node? Now I will do some research. If I need suggestions, I will write it here. Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 11:12
  • go to views setting and in Show:Rendered entity | Settings select another view mode for list Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 12:43

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