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How to send an email when the content is unpublished?

I'm using the Rules module for sending emails. When the user adds a node, it can only be published when the admin approves it. For this I have used the content approval module. I have made a rule ...
newbie's user avatar
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Adding tokens to autoreply message of contact form in Drupal 7

I would like to switch on the core's contact form category function and ad some extra category to my contact form but I was wondering that in auto reply I can't use tokens or acess the field values ...
praad's user avatar
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ogmailing list + mailgun, getting error: PHPMailer error: Invalid address

Organic Groups - 7.x-2.6 Drupal 7.26 OG Mailinglist - 7.x-1.1-alpha2 Domain Access - 7.x-3.11 Hello, I am attempting to get Organic Groups configured with OG Mailinglist. I am trying to set OG ...
David Pugh's user avatar
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Simplenews Scheduler - only send newsletter when attached EVA view contains results

Simplenews Scheduler is working well for me to send a weekly email which contains an attached view (using EVA) of nodes. I would like the newsletter to only send if the attached view contains nodes, ...
Paul Trotter's user avatar
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Omit Simplenews Subscribers Who Responded from Follow Up Email

I'm using D7 and simplenews. I have a newsletter category mynewsletter with 1000 subscribers. In my most recent mynewsletter, I had a poll. 200 subscribers have responded. I want to send a reminder ...
KMT333's user avatar
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How to make the translations for verification email template in drupal 7?

I used User verification module for sending verification email to users and it worked perfectly. After that, I wanted to add the multilingual function for the website (use
Stone Vo's user avatar
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Send an email via mailchimp in drupal to a userlist created in views

I want to give my client the possibility to send an email to a self-composed userlist. Preferably I want to direct the client to a (views) page where he can compose this list based on a couple of ...
devunder's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I collect field values of a submitted webform?

I'm trying to integrate a Mailchimp mailing list into Drupal. The Mailchimp list requires: First Name Last Name E-Mail The client already has a list in this format so ideally I need to collect this ...
James Kirkby's user avatar
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Publish content with URL from Token

I'm building a website where you're supposed to add content, which will be unpublished until you click a link in the email you got after adding the content. So, is there a way to get the publish URL ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
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How to show social network providers in OpenInviter?

Below is the image of all providers. I have checked postinstall, everything is fine for facebook and others but they are not listed on the providers tab. How to make facebook available to be able to ...
prady00's user avatar
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Problem while upgrading simplenews

I am a newbie in Drupal. I recently upgraded a site from D6 to D7. The site used simplenews module. So i got the D7 equivalent and installed it. After enabling the module i find the following issues - ...
Dan's user avatar
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Email body encoding problem with Cyrillic letters

All emails sent from a website are received as unreadable characters in body. The email title is displayed properly though. The site is only in Russian language. This happens on a clean install as ...
Aram Boyajyan's user avatar
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Mailing content to a list/group of email addresses

What kind of module should I use to send content to a list of emails? I need to create a groups with list of emails. I need to send it to one or a few of these groups. I need for admins to be able to ...
Nerijus's user avatar
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Using HTML Mail Module, how to link items in the email to individual product page?

Using HTML Mail Module, I allow users to send shopping list (items) email as a notification, but when i send that email, the products in the mail are not linked to individual product page. How can I ...
jeckey011's user avatar
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In a message about a new comment, how to tell if the comment needs approval or not?

I am currently using Triggers + Actions to send the node author an email when a new comment is added. Some of the commentators on my site do not require approval (registered users and repeat ...
daphshez's user avatar
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How can I increase the SMTP email file size?

I have a drupal 7 website with rules 7.x-2.13. There is a rule which sends html email with all the fields whenever a new node is created of a content type. There is a file field as well which allows ...
Sherry K's user avatar
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Can the Mailchimp module email node content?

I have a blog page. I want to add a sign-up box to collect email addresses so I can email everyone when a new blog entry is added. As I'm on shared hosting, I believe there is less chance of them ...
spiderplant0's user avatar
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How to catch exception if the destination mail id does not exist while sending mail through webform?

I'm sending mails on submission of a webform. The destination mail address is fetched from a custom email field in the form. On submitting, when the user enters a mail address, a custom mail would be ...
Max28's user avatar
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Flag/Unflag Taxonomy term when updating Taxonomy field in user profile

I asked this question a few days ago: Send email to all users that are tagged with the same tag a node is when created I decided to go a different route and use the flag and rules module to associate ...
jpshayes's user avatar
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Send email to all users that are tagged with the same tag a node is when created

There is a lot of similar questions here but I am having a hard time wrapping my head around this. I have a taxonomy term reference field called field_category. This field is available on user/*/edit ...
jpshayes's user avatar
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Unique message ID in SMTP module

I am working with Drupal 7. In my site am using the SMTP Authentication Support module to send emails. After sending an email, I want to get the unique encrypted message ID string. Now I am getting ...
Salu Nair's user avatar
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module to test if e-mail is working

In D7 I'm trying to determine the best way to periodically check if e-mail is working. I'm looking for a way to create a workflow that, say, on cron would check the day of the month, if it's the day ...
Pat Leonard's user avatar
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Commerce order mail is empty for anonymous users

In the function below, there is the problem of sending email to anonymous users, the email sending only for users logged and to complete checkout and payment. I get the following error message: ...
Reza Abbasian's user avatar
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Some users receive email with no body

I have a Drupal 7 site with over 400 users. Time to time I use Mass contact to send updates to the users. I noticed that some of the users receives blank email with no body. I get no errors and there ...
Yama's user avatar
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Email gets empty values

I have created a web form form and configure email setting for that but it sends the empty values in the email. Here's my form: Here's my form ...
Abdul Rehman's user avatar
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How to send an email once a new member is invited using the Group module?

I am using the Group module on a Drupal 7 project. I would like the system to send an email notification once a new member is invited. I'm assuming I could use the Rules module to perform this task, ...
Kenyon Johnston's user avatar
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SMTP : Email are not getting delivered

I have a SMTP Authentication Support 7.x-1.0 module in D7. Its enabled and configured correctly with permissions. Emails are not getting delived, I dont know what is the issue here. Am I missing ...
Mangesh Sathe's user avatar
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How can I add a CC field to webform email send?

Does anyone have a solution to adding a CC field to the /node/[nid]/webform/emails/xxx interface? I have a client that wants to use a decently complex conditional email send solution in Drupal 7 ...
alphex's user avatar
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Allow users to manage their own mailing list?

I would like to allow each user to manage its own mailing list (import a csv list, add/remove emails). My goal is to allow users to send an email notification to this list when they create a certain ...
Novice's user avatar
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Foolproof way to prevent email sends from local/dev server

We have had a number of occasions when a new new developer starts working on a project, and when they have it installed the cron runs and sends out a load of emails to users. If the database is fairly ...
Chris's user avatar
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How do I send emails from a .php file?

I have developed a separate functionality using PHP in a sub folder of my Drupal site (e.g. Now I want to send emails using Drupal functions. Since this is not a ...
siddiq's user avatar
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How to set default reply-to address in webform?

I am using Webform Reply to module to set Reply to address for mails sent from webforms. This feature works fine but for each webform creation I have to set Reply to address because by default it will ...
Suraj's user avatar
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System Emails not working

I have a website for my business, however, there is an issue. All the system emails have not been delivered. I have tried with password reset, it shows entry in dblog. Also the server is fine, if I ...
Shabir A.'s user avatar
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How to add a rule condition from select-list in a webform

This an export of my rule { "rules_webform_to_simplenews" : { "LABEL" : "Webform to simplenews", "PLUGIN" : "reaction rule", "OWNER" : "rules", "REQUIRES" : [ "webform_rules", "rules",...
jimi's user avatar
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How to send email confirmation mail to new user for custom role?

I have created a custom role i.e. Passenger. When user completes a custom form and submits the form, that particular user will be assigned Passenger role. Now my requirement is that when user ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Auto reply to user is working but no email to admin in contact us

I want to use contact us form in my website but it is not working. I searched on Google and found many answers but they seems not relevant to me. I have setup the contact us page and I can see the ...
ravi's user avatar
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Contact form node integration

I have content type and I want to add contact button at the bottom of node page, but I've problem so how I can add easy contact form that add node title at the message and When anonymous user goes ...
Penalse's user avatar
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What is the best way to track unique and overall clicks at my newsletters

I send newsletters from my Drupal-7 website and I want to track how many times the links where clicked and how many unique click events I had. I use Simplenews module and I use some basic GA utm ...
Argiris A's user avatar
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Paragraph of text in webform generated email is split into multiple lines rather than presurving single line of text

I am using a webform to send an email. The webform contains a textarea field. I have noticed that if I enter a paragraph of text in the textarea field, then that same text is split into multiple ...
Benjen's user avatar
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Postfix server and Simplenews module interaction

I send newsletters from my Drupal-7 website to all its registered users, using Simplenews module. As this number grows, I want to be able to track the number of successful and unsuccessful sends. In ...
Argiris A's user avatar
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send emails to specific addresses based on value of fields

I have field_a with select list of 10 value when field_b is checked and when a value of field_a is alfa or beta or ecc, send email to address1 or 2 or ecc I try with custom module for advance ...
Mirkozzo's user avatar
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How best to send mail with server-generated attachments?

I've got a situation where I want to have some server-side code create a document (pdf, fwiw) and mail it to someone via drupal_mail and Mime Mail. I've got all the appropriate modules installed, and ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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Unsubscribe users from Simplenews from a specific Newsletter category

I send newsletters from my Drupal-7 website using Simplenews module. I have a general category, that has all my site users and it is the category I use the most. Although, some of the newsletters are ...
Argiris A's user avatar
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How to implement some type of private messaging to arbitrary groups of users?

I'd like to send private messages (with email notification) to groups of users. These groups can be either pre-defined or ad-hoc selected. Is there any way to implement this feature in a Drupal site? ...
StG's user avatar
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How to create queue for email sending

I am using PepiPost mail service and I created custom mail system class for integrating PepiPost service. I can successfully send email from Drupal site. If a connection timeout 504 occurs during ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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How to write a simple test case for users by using drupal_mail() function?

I have written a custom module for sending email to registered users. And I want simple test case for that users email module. In this module I am taking a user from database and selected users ...
RaMeSh's user avatar
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How can I add a custom part to emails

How can I add create a multi-part email in D7? I need to add custom part to an email. I am trying to use hook_mail_alter to append a new content type. The content type is Content-Type: text/...
Rayhan Muktader's user avatar
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getting key of submitted entity list field

I'm having troubles with the following: I created a form with entityforms and now i want to send a confirmation email with mimemail. Getting that to work is no problem. But i need to perform a small ...
Piet Pol Pet's user avatar
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Changing the From Address with the Printer, email, and PDF versions module

I'm using the Printer, email, and PDF versions module. On all my 'resource' nodes (resource content type) I have a link now that says 'Send by Email'. Great. But when it sends the email it's sending ...
Sage's user avatar
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Use Services module to send email?

I have a non-Drupal site that has a sign-up form. I'm using the Services module to submit user creation requests via ajax. This works very well. Now I need to add a secondary action that will send a ...
EmmyS's user avatar
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