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Allow the user to send emails to all or selected rows in a particular views display

Salut! I have been working on a 100% non-profit project for 1 month and now I am facing a problem with the main feature that this project offer for free. The project is a website about people ...
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Drupal Mailchimp module for multilanguage sites

I setup a D7 multi-language site. People can subscribe with my MailChimp newsletter list when they register at user/register. It works fine with german, the default language, but when somebody ...
Selim's user avatar
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How to send emails to 20,000 + registered members efficiently?

I have a Drupal 7 site with about 20,000 members. Sometimes I need to email them all at once. Thus far, I have been adding a rules component (Condition: Make sure user has not opted out of emails, ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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How to use Rules to email users when any field(s) is changed in a node (and include the unchanged/changed values for that field)?

I know how to email using Rules when a field in a node is changed and add conditions for particular fields whether they were changed. But I would like the email to contain the info which field(s) ...
hkdalex's user avatar
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How to email the results of a filtered view to a user?

Required functionality (Drupal 7): User filters a view to desired results User enters email address in a webform block User is emailed the filtered list of results I'm using Views (7.x-3.14), ...
wotney's user avatar
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How to avoid sending 2 emails at the same time?

I use Drupal 7 and I'm testing a function to automatically send email from a custom module. I have 3 fields to check, and I have to send mail to a specific address. I have write simple test code in ...
Mirkozzo's user avatar
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Simple news from activate the user after email confirmation click in email

I'm using the Simplenews module after user received the subscription link through email,when click on the link user automatically subscription the news letter. I don't know how to do this. I checked ...
SAM's user avatar
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Contact form module for different users

I am looking for a contact form module for different users logged in to the website. E.g., 1) a website that has different authors 2) the user clicks on the author's page there is a contact form ...
ride the whirlwinds's user avatar
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How can I attach multiple pdfs to drupal_mail() function?

Was doing something like this global $base_url; $uri = $base_url . '/sites/default/files/test.pdf'; if(!empty($mail_content)) { /*send mail */ $to =$...
ravi theja's user avatar
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Unable to configure SMTP authentication support module

In Drupal v7.36 & 7.37, after installed and enabled SMTP Authentication Support module, I still can't find the menu function under configuration/system to config this module for all related email ...
tommychg's user avatar
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Create node via URL parameters to different drupal site

I am looking for a way to create a node via just a URL. I know the prepopulate module and similar can auto populate a form for a user to submit, but I would like to avoid the form altogether. After a ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Do I need to use drupal_mail after the hook_form_contact_site_form_alter?

I have added on field in my site wide contact form through this code : function cstm_form_contact_site_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) { // Add a phone number field to the ...
Twix's user avatar
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Perform action when new user verifies email link

I am looking to catch the event when new user updates password after clicking on link in the email, right after one time login. I actually want to perform an action right after user sets password ...
imserious's user avatar
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Sending mail to detailed groups?

Ok, I need a bit of help with this one. I have a website where I created a newsletter using Simplenews - works just fine, I'm sending some welcoming text + attached views of new things on site. But ...
br0k3n's user avatar
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Converting Simplenews Subscribers to Users

I was wondering if there is a way to convert SimpleNews subscribers into actual Drupal users? Currently, I have something similar going on using custom fields in the user-register form, but wanted to ...
Hectron's user avatar
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Rule that sends one email out at specific time each day with view content in it

I have 5 different views that show different metrics within blocks on the front of my website. I want a rule that can send this information to me by email each day at a certain time. How do I do this, ...
Rich Stevens's user avatar
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Send "Views PDF Display" generated PDF by mail as attachment

TLDR: How to send Module "Views PDF Display" generated PDF by mail as attachment without another deprecated module ? I have a Drupal site with the Views PDF Display module on it. I can generate a ...
Fofw's user avatar
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adminimal theme tpl

I'm having hard time with the inserting entity token to my mailchimp template. Created a content type, newsletter, with title and body (long text and summary) fields. Created a new view mode with ...
Efe's user avatar
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Is it possible to cancel the creation of user without triggering an error?

I have a problem with account creation spam, in which a bot or other bad actor tries to create accounts using somebody elses email address. The owner of the email address flags the verification email ...
frederickf's user avatar
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How to theme the emails send through SMTP module?

Drupal7 website send email using the SMTP module. I have to theme the email template with my website default theme logo,header and footer links. How could I achieve this one? Referred this Using ...
developer's user avatar
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Why aren't emails being sent?

I know this question was asked so many times but I read all the answers and I didn't find any solution working for me, so I'm looking for help. I have done the following to try resolve it: Checked ...
user3353335's user avatar
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Authentication Support with AWS failing to send

I am trying to fix our SMTP Drupal 7 configuration because I am now getting errors that its unable to send the email. I am using AWS as our SMTP server and I can send a test email from that just fine. ...
Joe Jankowiak's user avatar
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Error when using Rules to automatically email user referenced by node when node is updated

I am having trouble setting up a rule to email a specific user referenced by a node. The structure I am trying to set up is: When node of type A is updated, and satisfies certain criteria, the user ...
Jillian Hoenig's user avatar
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How to send password recovery in user's saved language?

I have set everything accordingly as described in different answers of all this kind of questions, But could not solve problem. I want to sent password recovery email either in English or in German ...
Iqbal's user avatar
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All html styling is stripped in mails sent with HTML mail and SMTP Authentication

I use the SMTP Authentication Support module in combination with the HTML Mail module. I have set it up according to this post ( After writing the new classes as ...
TBJ's user avatar
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How to store email sender info in message field using email contact module?

I am using email and email contact module. I added the field as following: Front page displays as following: When anonymous users enter name, email, subject and message, it sends email to recipient. ...
autop's user avatar
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How do I find the mapping between profile fields and merge fields

I am using the Mailchimp module, version 7.x-3.6. The client has asked for an extra merge field for Gender. At the moment, we just have First Name, Last Name, Username, and UID. When I visit /...
mcaleaa's user avatar
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Allow users to unsubscribe

I'm working on a Drupal 7 site that has Simplenews and a custom registration process. The registration allows the user to subscribe to the newsletter, but once logged in there is nowhere to ...
JBS's user avatar
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Sending HTML emails from sendmail module

I was using SMTP authentication and drupal mail module for sending HTML emails. Suddenly emails are not going. Hence i disabled the SMTP module and directly send emails using drupal email but emails ...
Deepak vishnu's user avatar
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How to send email attachment without using Mime Mail module?

I am trying to send an email attachment without using the Mime Mail module or installing any other module. At the moment the email is being sent and I can receive it but it doesn't have the ...
Ian Ian's user avatar
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Mailjet HTML and tracking

As the module devs isn't responding to posts like & I'm trying my luck here: I've got a site sending emails via both rules ...
Kristoffer Rom's user avatar
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how to split mailsytem based on condition

I have a site for sending newsletters and I want to send through two mail system. I was using mandrill mail and PepiPost mail service. If I want to send a newsletter to 100 users, I need to use ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Theming Simplenews page

When creating a newsletter, I have the view mode set to Teaser, but the content printed on the newsletter page doesn't follow the template I have for it, it only prints the fields as specified in the ...
Anna M's user avatar
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Adding image in simplenews template file

I am using simplenews module with htmlmail. I am trying to add an image in template file htmlmail--simplenews.tpl.php Below is my code: <?php global $base_url; ?> <div class='...
madhukar's user avatar
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One time URL doesn't re-direct the user to change the password

In Home » Administration » Configuration » under the email messages section when a user is invited to the site the [user:password] is not generated and the one-time-login URL doesn't re-direct the ...
qaz123's user avatar
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Is there a way to add [user:validate-url] link to a Simplenews newsletter on a drupal7 site?

I want to send a newsletter only to the users that haven't activated their accounts and persuade them to activate their accounts. Is there a way to personalize the link they need to click and give ...
Argiris A's user avatar
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Simplenews get scheduled nodes

I am using simplenews module for sending newsletter and simplenews scheduler for scheduling it. I want to differentiate scheduled nodes and non-scheduled nodes. How can I achieve it.
xander's user avatar
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How do I redirect the unsubscribe link in a newsletter to a particular node?

I am using the Simplenews module for sending newsletters, and the Mandrill service for sending emails. When I send a test newsletter to the test user, the unsubscribe link should be redirected to ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Email Attachment File Path

I am using Drupal 7 with the WebForm and MIME Mail modules. I've got webform attachments being sent in the email working fine. However the email also contains a path to view the email in a directory ...
John's user avatar
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How to print formatted contents of Computed Field in a custom template?

I am trying to edit a bit body of simplenews newsletter that's being sent. I have a computed field that captures ~50 first words and saves it. It is called : field_first_sentance and it's value is ...
Michael's user avatar
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Registration emails appear to be randomly delivered, regardless of the recipient domain

I recently built a Drupal 7 based website with the possibility for the visitors to register / apply for an account to view certain protected pages otherwise hidden from anonymous users. I'm using the ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Organic Groups email group members permission denied

I have a fresh D7 installation with the latest OG modules and a few groups, users, and group articles added. However, I'm getting "Access Denied" when I click "Email People" in the group page. OG ...
Kevin's user avatar
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How to send a newsletter to all email addresses attached to a content type?

I have a content type (customers) having an email field (field_email). I need to create a newsletter using those emails that every certain period increase. I try to use the module Newsletter but I ...
Dvex's user avatar
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Using Mailhandler commands in individual emails (Drupal 7)

My business objective is to create nodes from emails and apply existing taxonomy terms based on individual email content. I've installed and set up Mailhandler (7.x-2.10) in a fresh Drupal 7.38 ...
John Beaudoin's user avatar
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drupal chat with trusted contact only drupal commons

I am integrating the Drupal chat with Drupal commons module . Now its working .but my actual need is to integrate this with only for trusted contacts is it possible . If yes means how I need to ...
Saravanan LP's user avatar
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Simplenews: node links not working

The problem I face is the following: I have set up simplenews for creating newsletters. I am able to select articles, pages, events etc. which are already displayed on the website itself. However, ...
nebelwueste's user avatar
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create contact form block with prepopulated entity references and send email to content author

I am trying to create 3 forms, 2 of them should be made into blocks to show on specific content types. One for anon users and another for logged in users. The other is just a site wide contact form ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Does OG Mailing List "Domain Name" configuration setting allow different mail list address than address Drupal is installed under

Does OG Mailing List "Domain Name" configuration setting allow different mail list address than address Drupal is installed under In OG Mailinglist 7.x-1.1-alpha2 for Drupal 7 there is a setting ...
David Pugh's user avatar
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How to ensure emails are sent only once to users in a Views Block Operations (VBO) list?

I created a view which is a list of comments made by users to a particular node. I then created a rule which triggers upon event "when a new comment is saved" The action is to load the view i created,...
seyi's user avatar
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Whenever a user try to recover password or try to register I got mail delivery system error

Receiving Mail Delivery System error for almost every email generated by Drupal 7 What can be the reason? here below the message from remote host SMTP error from remote mail server after end of ...
Sasha Marvin's user avatar