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3 answers

Group search result of drupal 7 and show them in tabs

I am using function like this. I have grouped the search output and displaying, but i need to make these grouping in tabs using any tabs feature available, how do i do it over here by using any other ...
Hacker's user avatar
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2 answers

Programmatically search nodes according to the value of fields in their bundle

I am working on a script to search groups within the site according to criterias, such as group city, group languages and so on. So far i am trying to do this by manually querying the database ...
silkAdmin's user avatar
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2 answers

Search Drupal from an external application

What I want to do is use the built in search engine I currently have running in my Drupal site, but allow another site to use that same search engine. Basically a legit copy and paste of the form ...
Lester Peabody's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Modify apachesolr's 'did you mean?' suggestions to provide better alternatives

Has anyone modified the default apachesolr 'did you mean?' suggestions that is returned out of the box with the apachesolr module? For instance, a search for 'diabetes' currently returns 'did you ...
wiifm's user avatar
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1 answer

Instant Search for Drupal 7

Are there any 'instant search' modules (similar to Google's instant search) available for Drupal 7? I found the Drupal 6 modules listed below, but neither of them seems to be available for Drupal 7, ...
Citricguy's user avatar
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Searching on Taxonomy terms with the Search API module?

I've been playing around with the Search API module for a little bit now, and it seems to be working fairly well, but I can't figure out how or why I am not able to search on terms even though they ...
Marco's user avatar
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3 answers

Pages are not searchable by Google anymore

After migrating my Drupal website to WebHosting, I noticed that my pages aren't searchable by Google. It finds nothing, even though it should clearly find my website. Same thing happens when I want to ...
xralf's user avatar
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1 answer

Blocking a certain user from apearing in user search results

I'm looking for a way to exclude certain users (by ID or name) from appearing in the user search results in Drupal 7. Any thoughts?
Brian's user avatar
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1 answer

Confused about installing Apache Solr

This is pretty embarrassing but I gotta start somewhere, right? This concerns about installing Apache Solr. I've seen the instructions when trying to install Apache Solr and each one starts off with ...
enchance's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Search API Panels Display and Contexts

I am trying to build a page with Search API and Panels. I have created my search views with contexts, but I am unable to view any facets in my panel page. My facets show up in regular blocks, but ...
Steven's user avatar
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0 answers

How to change the search results URL? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I change the apache solr search URL in Drupal? Is it possible to change the search result URL from /search/node/searchphrase to /search/searchphrase? I'm using core ...
pushka's user avatar
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Views search to find users based on terms

I want to have search inputs for users to search and find other users based on associated terms(I'm using term reference) of their user profile. I'm using Search-API, Views-3, and Profile-2. I ...
Graham's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does the core search module not index node titles?

The search results only show terms in the body if that. Take the example of a product site. There is a product called Funkywidget with a description that has Funckywidget written twice in it. However, ...
Adam S's user avatar
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3 answers

drupal multisite

I already have a Drupal 7 website. I want to extend it to a second one. The first one is stored in a subfolder. I want to create a second subfolder to store the second one. At the base I will have an ...
user66734's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

How to implement search on multiple fields limited to one content type in drupal 7

I've created a new content type which has several fields (some of them are custom fields I created myself). Now I need to implement a search function on each of those fields. This means that if I ...
Nicola Peluchetti's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Do not include certain pages from Search

I have 3 pages I wish to exclude from search. Is there a way to exclude them from coming up in the search results? Incidentally, is it also possible for other content types other than Pages alone?
enchance's user avatar
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4 answers

htmlspecialchars in search

When I'm searching my site, I get this error: Warning: htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument in check_plain() (line 1476 of /var/www/includes/ What does it mean ...
xralf's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Inserting search terms into a search input in Drupal 7

When using Drupal 7, how do I print the current search terms into a search form in a block? In Drupal 6, I used something like this in my template.php: $vars['search_keys'] = search_get_keys(); ...
Daniel Nitsche's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to add taxonomy filters to the standard advanced search?

I wonder if is possible to add select boxes from my taxonomy to the standard Drupal 7 advanced search form. I'd like to search for document containing the word "test" and which have the word "High" in ...
Claudio's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

How do I customize the search result page?

I have customized the teaser view of my content types and the page view. Now I need to use the teaser view for the search results page. By default, Drupal displays a full text jumbled mess for each ...
J-Fiz's user avatar
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1 answer

Language selector for Apache Solr search form

How can I do something like this with Apache Solr in Drupal 7? This will be the front page of my site, and depending on the language the user chooses, he will be redirected to the language-specific ...
Fidelix's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting up and enabling Google CSE

Is it possible to fully set up and enable Google CSE module before a website is launched? Or would I have to wait until it's launched and submitted to Google's search engine?
Jane's user avatar
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Module to search node titles only

Is there a module that allows me to restrict searches to node titles, rather than any node content? Preferably the user would choose between titles only or everything.
Craig's user avatar
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3 answers

Searching using Solr within Views

I'm learning Drupal, and having a lot of fun. I am approaching the phase were I'd like to make my content more accessible to users. I haven't implemented it yet, but I am really liking the ApacheSolr ...
Lostsoul's user avatar
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ApacheSolr integration

I have a Drupal multisite website, with Apache Solr Search Integration, which is up and running very well in the live server. I am trying to replicate the same website, on another server to use it as ...
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9 votes
3 answers

Does Drupal have an AJAX solution for search results, preferably with Apachesolr integration?

Specifically, I'm referring to being able to have the top 5 search results display as options in a drop down menu while the user types in a search query, somewhat similar to how node reference ...
DanH's user avatar
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"Page Not Found" error when a google search form is submitted

I am using Google Site Search on a web site, and the search form submits to a page containing the appropriate code. I can access this page directly just fine, but whenever I test out the search form, ...
ryne.andal's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Apache Solr assign a weight to HTML tags?

Would Solr consider HTML tags when it creates its indexes? Would <h1>, for example, be more important than <h2>, <p>?
WestieUK's user avatar
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Javascript code appears in search results

I use JavaScript in the body of a node with some PHP code. After I run cron.php and search on the site, I can see Drupal indexes the JavaScript code contained in a node. How do I avoid Drupal indexes ...
user780's user avatar
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How to show "incoming search terms"

a lot of blogs have a feature to show the "incoming search terms" - it's great for SEO. I looked up and down but couldn't find a module. Any recommendations on how to tackle this (I'm new ...
uwe's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get search to display an error when no search terms are entered

Right now if I don't enter a search query in the drupal search module, it returns results for 'search'. I would like it to display an error prompting the user to enter a search query instead. Is there ...
Linens's user avatar
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1 answer

The most searched keyword of the default search?

Is there a way, or a module, to get the most searched keyword of the site's default search?
enjoylife's user avatar
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Remove nodes individually from Solr Search index

I know you can choose which content types to exclude. However, is there a way of removing specific nodes from the Solr index?
WestieUK's user avatar
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2 answers

Can solr point into a certain point in a document?

I have very long documents (around 100 pages when printed) that I need to index with Apache Solr Search. Is it possible to index the pages with solr in such a way that clicking the result from the ...
user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Can views pages be indexed and be searchable by apachesolr?

By default drupal will only send nodes to apachesolr, is there a way to send views pages to solr, so that they may show in the search index? I know this question seems a little out there, just ...
wiifm's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

how to overwrite the search box?

<div class="fr_search"> <form action="/" accept-charset="UTF-8" method="post" id="search-theme-form"> <input name="search_theme_form" id="edit-search-theme-form-1" size="...
enjoylife's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

How can I get more than 10 search results on one page?

By default search page shows only 10 results. How can I change it to display unlimited number of results?
mivoligo's user avatar
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5 answers

How to determine if the current page is a search results page?

How can I determine from within a module or theme if the current page is an Apache solr search results page?
markdorison's user avatar
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12 votes
8 answers

How can I change the Apache Solr search URL?

How can I change the default Apache Solr URL path from "search/apachesolr_search/term" to something else?
markdorison's user avatar
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