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0 votes
1 answer

Combine hook_search_execute

I have hook for user_search_execute and node_search_execute for both user and nodes but i want to merge both into mymoduel_search_execute but only node_search_execute uses index not ...
1 vote
1 answer

In search result page, pagination is not showing up

I have migrated a site from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. I have rendered the search form in page.tpl.php as follows: <?php $block = module_invoke('search','block_view','form'); print ...
1 vote
1 answer

Index custom content in apache solr

I have several custom modules that load and display data from custom tables. I have successfully managed to use the drupal search on these contents, using the drupal search hooks like, ...
0 votes
1 answer

SearchApiQuery - possible to remove a filter?

The query parameter that is passed to search_api_query_alter has SearchApiQueryFilter member. It contains a protected array of filter elements. I can add to this by calling the createFilter() and ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to update the search title and page title depending on facet options

I am using Search Api Views module to list some publications. User can filter them using facets. For example he can look for publications only in Kenya. I want to update the title of my page (view) ...
2 votes
1 answer

Having issues getting solr search facets to appear on non-search pages

I'm using the solr search integration module with facet api on drupal 7 and I'm having issues getting the facets to show on non-search pages. I've checked the box for non-search pages and added a few ...
0 votes
3 answers

How to get searched item value in search form?

How do I get the value of searched item value, if I searched for "cat" in a search box then it also displays on a search page?
2 votes
1 answer

How to expose filter for entity reference as dropdown in the Search API view?

In my Search API view, I'd like an Exposed filter > Entity reference to be a select box, not a text field. Details I have a view which I created like: Views > Add new view > Show: default node ...
1 vote
1 answer

Pagination in search results

I have installed search configuration module to alter pagination on search results. I've set the pager limit in Configuration > Search settings > ADDITIONAL NODE SEARCH CONFIGURATION > RESULTS to 3 (...
2 votes
3 answers

How to improve search results filtering on taxonomy

I would like to know the best way to filter drupal search results using taxonomy. I want users to be able to search for particular results from a particular taxonomy..this can be done to refine ...
1 vote
1 answer

Solr index fields not showing a field

I have a field within a field collection that I need indexed. It's not showing up in the /admin/config/search/search_api/index/solr_node_index/fields page. I tried using this to try to add it myself, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Search API and Facets API with multilingual taxonomy

I have some taxonomy terms and the settings look like this. All these terms have been translated. After indexing the content with Search API and Facets API, the facets are not shown with translation....
1 vote
1 answer

How do I enable Backlinks View and What Links Here?

We used the backlinks view in D6, as well as the What Links Here tab for each node. We're now using Commerce Kickstart 2. I don't see that View and it appears that the search_node_links table is ...
1 vote
2 answers

Problems with Search API and Entity Translation

I'm building a two-language website (Ukrainian - main, English - second) with the new Entity Translation approach. This approach seems very promising however it does not support multilingual content ...
2 votes
1 answer

how to index unpublished nodes to apache solr

I want to display unpublish nodes to some of the user roles. The apachesolr by default index only publish nodes. Is there a way of indexing unpublished nodes to the apache solr index?
1 vote
1 answer

How I can include Commerce SKUs in search result?

How I can include Commerce SKUs in search result? I am using “Search API and Search API Solr” modules. Any suggestions?
0 votes
1 answer

searching and entity references

I have two content types documents and authors. When creating a document a selection list of entity reference's to authors is used to select the author. Searches for the author name find the correct ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to retrieve Apache Solr's current search filters?

I'm using Apache Solr Search, Search API and Facet API. Is there a way to retrieve the current search filters being used when using Apache Solr on Drupal? For example: I have a website using facets ...
2 votes
2 answers

Making custom database text fields available for search

I have a custom module that stores text records in a table, however this table records are not mapped to nor an entity neither a node, so as far as I know, I can't expose them to the search module or ...
1 vote
2 answers

Full phrase search

Now I'm using "Search_api" module and when I input, for example, "test case" - it's output all articles which consists both of this words separately. But I want to make search with exact phrase "test ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I add a more/less link in block?

How do I add a more/less link to drop-down and roll up a block? I have a custom search block with a lot of field items and as such, the block is so long. I want to be able to add a more link to drop ...
0 votes
2 answers

Facet pages bring site down because of bots

We have a search page that uses facets and recently our website has been going up and down. When looking at the logs I noticed that bots (Bing, Ahrefs, etc..) are hitting these facetted pages a lot. ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to create a new Solr server URL

I am using Tomcat with Apache Solr to search the content on my site. For testing purposes, I use http://localhost:8080/solr to connect to the Solr server, but I would like to change this to http://...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I sort a view by content type?

I use a View to show search results (core Search module). In the view I have grouped the grid on the field "Content type". This works fine, each content type is shown under it's own title. But under ...
1 vote
2 answers

How do I get only node IDs from the search results?

I'm using Search API Solr with custom searches in code, but I want to find a way to limit the return results to only the nid to save on bandwidth with our third-party solr server. I've tried $query->...
6 votes
1 answer

Apache Solr Search show only currrent user language

I'm using Apache Solr Search Integration to do the searching on our website, works great except i get results for all the language on the site instead of only the one the user is currently using. Is ...
0 votes
1 answer

How do I rewrite a facet item label using facetAPI bonus?

I am looking at the code example provided by Facet API Bonus module in the section Rewrite facet items via callback function function HOOK_facet_items_alter(&$build, &$settings) { if ($...
1 vote
4 answers

Theming search page

I'm customizing my search results page. I have found the two templates search-result.tpl and search-results.tpl but in addition to these there is also a collapsible fieldset for advanced search. Where ...
1 vote
1 answer

Drupal 7, Faceted results from Search Form

I hope this is not a duplicate of something as I've been searching for hours and I'm pretty confused. So what I need to do is to have a Search Form/Block like the one the core uses (I've already ...
1 vote
2 answers

Page doesn't appear in search results

I created a view (page) which shows a list of nodes of a certain content type. This page doesn't show up when searching the site. Is this expected behavior? Is there any way to make the page show up ...
1 vote
7 answers

How to remove default 'search' text form search form

I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of the default text "search" on my search form (located here: I can confirm the following works in Chrome's console:...
1 vote
3 answers

How to get total number of results in Search API View?

How can I get the total number of results on a Search API View that has a limit of 5 results to display? Some more info: I have to make a bit more complex search where several attachments are ...
1 vote
1 answer

Redirect Search API view result (Leaflet map) to display in a pane

The particular Search function starts as Full Panel Page in a style to a Google Maps Location Search page; Search Input (Block) to the top left overlaid on a current Leaflet map based on the logged-in ...
16 votes
6 answers

How can I get more than 10 search results on one page?

By default search page shows only 10 results. How can I change it to display unlimited number of results?
2 votes
1 answer

Show parent items in hierarchical facet display

Taxonomy terms are configured as such: Parent category 1 - Child category 1 - Child category 2 Parent category 2 - Child category 3 - Child category 4 "Empty facet behaviour" is set to "Do not ...
1 vote
3 answers

Adding node into search api solr programatically

We are importing large number of data into our drupal website with custom script and we are using Search api and Search api solr module into our website to index and search large number of data. When ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to change Search API index field machine name?

I am using Search API and Search API Solr modules on drupal 7. I have also drupal 8 and drupal 9 sites, and all those sites are indexed on the same solr index. So I need the same machine name for ...
0 votes
1 answer

Generate page for each json entry

I'm new to Drupal. I want to customize the search module in order to show results from an external JSON. I was able to insert JSON data in the search page, but now I want to generate a page for each ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I programmatically change the parse mode?

We have a view that works with Search API and Solr search. The multiple search terms work with single quotes and with no quotes. I want to make the search terms work with double quotes as well. The ...
0 votes
0 answers

Filter Content and Files using the same Taxonomy term filter in Search API

I have several File (File Entity) and Content (nodes) types both referencing the same Topic taxonomy using the same field (one field, reused). The contents of these files/content are indexed in the ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to make title exact match appear first in search API

For example, I have content A with : title = Quick brown fox jumps body = (empty) and then I have many other content with word 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', and 'jumps' all accross the body field. I use ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to hide the (-) sign from facet filter block?

I am displaying faceted blocks and current search block on the search page. When I select a filter from any faceted block, it appears in the current search block and also in that faceted block with ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to edit Advanced Search Form's Content Type checkbox-list using hook_form_alter

I have a Drupal 7 setup. I want to remove few Content types from the Content Type checklist that appears in Advanced Search form. I could see that advanced search form comes in 'advanced' field-set of ...
0 votes
1 answer

Which is the highest version of Solr that is compatible with the "Apache Solr Search" module?

I have a setup of Drupal 7 with the Apache Solr Search module. I am planning to upgrade the solr server's current installed version(3.6) to a higher version. The latest version of Solr available in ...
-1 votes
1 answer

solr is running, but search isn't working: "The Solr server of Solr could not be reached."

I am using Search API Solr (Version: 7.x-1.14), and search was working fine but has stopped working. I now see "The Solr server of Solr could not be reached" at admin/config/search/search_api. In ...
6 votes
5 answers

Search api solr: The Solr server could not be reached

I've got a working solr server, however my drupal always fails to connect, what am I doing wrong? When adding my server and clicking on the solr server url it takes me to my server (so my path is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Remove duplicate records from view result with pager

My project is setup in Drupal 7 and i am using search API for display my custom search result. Actually i want to show search result based on two content types content so i have configure the search ...
0 votes
1 answer

Display the results of a form submit on the same page just under the form

I have created a form and it takes in 3 values which are Brand, Item and Zipcode. The values are queried and the results are fetched the database table. I want the results to be shown in a table ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to mark related entities as dirty in search api module when edited?

I am using Drupal 7 with the search api. I understand that one of the 'common pitfalls' of the search api is 'Changes in related entities don't lead to re-indexing'. I am bringing in a field called '...
1 vote
2 answers

How can I conditionally alter search API relevance score?

I must be missing some core concept of search API somehow, but I am stuck. The goal is to alter search API results depending on a flag, like Give flagged products in search API a higher search score? ...

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