My site is in D9, mainly in French, with some pages in English.

I have an old page (note 553 written in D6 in 2017), which can be correctly accessed in French with https://mysite/myoldpage and in English with https://mysite/en/myoldpage.

I've just written a new page in French (https://mysite/mynewpage) and translated it in English. But the translated page is only accessible with https://mysite/en/node/997.

I don't understand why the old page works perfectly and not the new one.

I see a difference in https://mysite/node/553/translations and in https://mysite/node/997/translations. For the old one, I see a "source language" column. For the new one, There is no such column (but I do see the 2 lines for the 2 languages).

Parts of my conf:

  • Language selection is firstly by URL.
  • I use pathauto, but not for "pages"

Any hint appreciated!

  • The old node probably has an alias with the language code UND (-not specified-). You can add one in the alias table, but not in the node edit form. See drupal.org/node/2689459. The column source language only shows when there are translations with a source language other than the original language, but this is not connected to this alias issue.
    – 4uk4
    Commented Jan 20, 2023 at 15:53
  • 4uk4, you are right! The alias of the new page was defined as in French. I went in /admin/config/search/path, edited my new alias, and set its language as "not specified". English translation is now correctly at /en/mynewpage. Thanks you!
    – Benoit
    Commented Jan 20, 2023 at 17:32

1 Answer 1


The old node probably has an alias with the language code UND (-not specified-). You can add one in the alias table


but not in the node edit form. See https://drupal.org/node/2689459.

The column source language only shows when there are translations with a source language other than the original language, but this is not connected to this alias issue.

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