The usual region highlight (a dashed-line border around the region) with a little gear icon that opens up a drop down saying "Configure Block" is missing on my custom Drupal 7 site. Which or What admin option is responsible for this?
- I am logged in an an administrator.
- I have actual regions.
- Those regions have data.
- "Demonstrate Block Regions" shows where the regions are correctly.
How do I bring this highlighting back?
Contextual Links module is enabled.
This is my block.tpl-
<div id="<?php print $block_html_id; ?>" class="<?php print $classes; ?>"<?php print $attributes; ?>>
<div class="block-inner clearfix">
<?php print render($title_prefix); ?>
<?php print render($title_suffix); ?>
<div<?php print $content_attributes; ?>>
<?php print $content; ?>