I am very sorry to bring a rather nebulous question here but need any and all help I can get: for the first time, I've had a "White Screen of Death" issue when trying to update a module. I believe it was the "Metadata" module but I don't even remember for sure. I had a previous backup of the database and site files/folders from a day ago, so I didn't make one this time. Followed the Drupal tool for downloading, installing, and...presto....White Screen of Death.
Trying not to panic, I reverted to the older backup. Which I hoped would solve the issue.
Yet it did not.
So my question is whether perhaps (fingers crossed!) there's additional steps I need to take once a backup is in place to get things working again. I tried truncating every "cache_..." line via PhpMyAdmin, but it didn't help. I tried the "update.php" in the URL hoping it was (maybe) just an index.php issue. Again...no dice.
I've seen a long page about WSOD possible issues but don't want to just muddle around doing that if I don't know what I'm doing, which I don't.
Are there any suggestions for quick, simple things I've either forgotten or could try to get this working again? And if I can't, can I manually copy files and folders over somehow and try again?
Thank you all in advance for any help. I really appreciate it. Stay healthy out there!
folder, this does not restore your old code base. You also need to restore to the old code base / module versions to turn your backup into a running site.