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How do I sort a view by content type?

I use a View to show search results (core Search module). In the view I have grouped the grid on the field "Content type". This works fine, each content type is shown under it's own title. But under ...
TBJ's user avatar
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Return content type

With core search, in template_preprocess_search_result() I could access $vars['result']['type']. Switching over to Search API Solr, how can I access node type and send it to the theme? Content type is ...
digitgopher's user avatar
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2 answers

Page doesn't appear in search results

I created a view (page) which shows a list of nodes of a certain content type. This page doesn't show up when searching the site. Is this expected behavior? Is there any way to make the page show up ...
RarelyRed's user avatar
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Search according to language

We are using 3 different languages by multilingual module. If we search by the English word, then search content should be in English, and if we search by Marathi/Hindi word, then search content ...
maithilidhume's user avatar
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Search fails with special characters [closed]

Searching is not working when the search string contains special characters. For example, when we search &$#%^@, we are redirected to$#%^@. There, if I search ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Share fields between commerce variation types?

I have 12 types of products that have 4 similar property fields, for example: weight, force, collar size, noise level. There are many other different fields for each of the 6 types. Is there a way to ...
troseman's user avatar
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How to create a simple form to redirect the user to entered URL?

I want to create a simple form to redirect the visitors to a relative path they enter. I created a search page with views and it has lots of exposed filters. I don't want to use this exposed filter ...
herci's user avatar
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Adding node into search api solr programatically

We are importing large number of data into our drupal website with custom script and we are using Search api and Search api solr module into our website to index and search large number of data. When ...
Jayendra Kainthola's user avatar
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Facetapi combined filter of city and zip code

I am using address field module with search api and facetapi modules. I want one filter of two fields, city and zip code. Which will be an autocomplete field. I have used the Search API Combined ...
Ahmad's user avatar
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pagination broken on custom theme's search system page [closed]

I do not have pagination on the system search page .../search*. When I toggle off my custom theme I have pagination on the search-result.tpl.php page, I can see the $pager variable. But on my custom ...
Daedalus's user avatar
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Should views search specific caching skip preprocess?

Problem I have a view powered by the Search API, which uses the views inbuilt caching - "Search Specific" in order to provide better performance. However I also run a number of theming alterations ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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How to update SOLR document?

This question is related to Because previous question can be difficult to ...
Codium's user avatar
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Implementing a search and results page in the admin interface

I'm trying to implement a search and results form in the admin interface but I am having trouble getting the search function and pager working. [1] The pager is not showing at all. I've got this ...
RobotEyes's user avatar
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How to limit search results based only on OG group membership?

I followed the tutorial about How to Create Custom Search Pages Using Just Views in Drupal 7. I have selected the blocks option instead of page option in views as I want to add it as a block in the ...
testing1's user avatar
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Node access permission but show view teasers and search result teasers

I use Content Access module and Profile 2 module to restrict access to specific nodes and assign a specific role during registration. The problem now is that the search results are not visible? How ...
meez's user avatar
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Restricted nodes don't show up in search results

On this Belgium version of the side users has to have the right permission to view specific nodes. I did this with Content Access module. But now when you as anonymous user search any content the ...
meez's user avatar
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Min/Max Facet slider not working

I am working on Search API. I am using Search API module, Facet API, Search API ranges, Pretty Paths modules to add facet filters. All the filters working fine like select list, checkbox but Min/Max ...
Pankaj Sachdeva's user avatar
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How do I integrate postal code search?

How to integrate number search along with string search in drupal 7? As of now,I was able to implement string search i.e a user can search via name,place etc but I want to implement number search so ...
Niji Monachan's user avatar
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How I can include Commerce SKUs in search result?

How I can include Commerce SKUs in search result? I am using “Search API and Search API Solr” modules. Any suggestions?
Alok Jain's user avatar
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Why Search APi detect wrong SOLR host?

Configuration view: As you can see Search API uses site base url as SOLR host which is obviously wrong...
Codium's user avatar
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How to display the user registration or profile field on the search page?

How can I render/display user profile or registration field on search result page (user search)?
Adeel Nawaz's user avatar
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How to access to the user info on the search page?

When I was trying to resolve this question: How to display the user picture on the search page? I found that in the THEME_preprocess_search_result function I can't access to the user information (I ...
Adrian Cid Almaguer's user avatar
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How to display the user picture on the search page?

I want to show the user picture on the search page. Currently only its show the user email or name, but I want to show the user profile picture. How can I do that? Note: the search page is about the ...
Adeel Nawaz's user avatar
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How can I index all remaining items programatically?

I'm just using the stock Drupal 7 search. Is there a function to index all the unindexed content from my module? And re-indexing? I haven't found this yet if it exists.
digitgopher's user avatar
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How do I add Bean content to solr?

I have a bunch of pages that contain only beans. I need these pages to show up when searching (using search_api_solr) for words used in those beans. The bean fields don't show up in the solr field ...
diesonne's user avatar
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Turn Tags into Links in Search Results

When a user searches for a certain tagged iamge I want them to be able to click on the tag and re-direct them on a page which contains all the images with that tag. E.g. if I click Italy, all the ...
testing1's user avatar
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Reindex a select group of nodes

I am maintaining a site that I did not build. It was discovered that some 300 nodes of type "custom" had incorrect url aliases. There are a total of 7961 nodes of type "custom" in the site at this ...
DeveloperWeeks's user avatar
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Search results also show code

I have created some nodes containing Javascript code into body field using Php filter. I also have tried by using Full Html filter. Now when I search through default drupal search then result list ...
WaQaR Ali's user avatar
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Core search, when only one result, open result

Is there a simple way to accomplish the feature in the title ? When a search results in one result, don't show the result but go directly to the node.
byenary's user avatar
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Search result to show link to the page not to the pdf file

I am using the Search file attachments module (which searches for text from pdf files after they are indexed), and everything works fine. But I would like in Search result to display link to the ...
MePo's user avatar
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$pager_total_items giving wrong results count in custom search module

I am not too sure what happens but in my custom search module, the $GLOBALS['pager_total_items'] count is wrong on the first page. For example, I search for a term and it will display: Showing 1 - 10 ...
MrUpsidown's user avatar
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Drupal search api custom sort order

I am using search api solr and using views for search results. In my content type, there will be a multilingual field using entity translation and also a field representing language of the node. I am ...
Manikandan's user avatar
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Change appearance of search form [closed]

I want to change the appearance of the Drupal 7 search form. I used this code in my file for my Omega subtheme. It didn't work. How do I assign html classes to divs within the ...
user55305's user avatar
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Apache solr filter based on array values

Has anyone succeeded in filtering array values using Apache solr? I have nids as an array, programmatically I want to use the array to filter the solr based on the 'entity_id'. I tried something like ...
Suresh R's user avatar
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Facets: How to create user specific facets in Search API?

If I index user specific fields, like an Entity Reference field called Favorites. How could I add that as a facet that is specific to the logged in user, so only his favorites are filtered?
giorgio79's user avatar
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How to get block and views results to display in the search result page?

I'm using Drupal7 default search for content(node). For some pages I have integerated drupal blocks and view blocks. While searching for specific string in search which are available in blocks are not ...
Ram's user avatar
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Search api solr result reordering on field value

I'm using search_api_solr and search_api_location. I have a view with exposed filters to perform geolocation searches. I'm trying to reorder search result from a solr query based a referenced node's ...
zsd's user avatar
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Core Search only yielding results on specific words

We've developed a lot of Drupal 7 websites, but never encountered this before (or just didn't notice). When searching the project in question (while having re-indexed the site untill the index is 100%)...
Ambidex's user avatar
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Which search method should I use? [closed]

I want to add search option to my site but I can't decide what I should use. I am building a news site. It has a simple structure but in time there will be lot of indexed page. When somebody use the ...
sharktale's user avatar
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Using LIKE in search query

I would like to search for words that contains the keyword when a user executes a search. I have tried to hook into hook_query_alter(): function MYMODULE_query_alter(&$query) { // Check if this ...
Cyclonecode's user avatar
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Rewriting the pager of Views in Drupal 7

I have a Views which I am calling via views_get_view and view->preview. I am feeding the Views with a form via Form API - with no exposed filters - and the problem is that while the number of pages ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Can the Autocomplete delay be lowered in forms?

I have seen that the autocomplete widget in Forms API is started when I finish typing, or when there is a delay between one key hitting and the next one. Could it be configured so it is launched as ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Why doesn't the function taxonomy_term_search exists?

I have an autocomplete field in an API Form. The callback function uses the following code to highlight the search query in the list of suggestions. With a taxonomy vocabulary of 3 levels of hierarchy,...
Cesar's user avatar
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Approach to custom advanced search box

I have a custom search form, made with Drupal Form API. It uses ajax, autocomplete, and some other properties defined in the built $form. I use the data sent from the form to feed a views_embed_view ...
Cesar's user avatar
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Show publication date in search results

I've got a website with lots of content that has been migrated. For each node I've added the original date as the Authored on date. However, search snippets show the date a node was last updated. I'...
unhack's user avatar
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What's wrong with the autocomplete in the search textbox using apache solr?

I have apache solr version 4.x and Drupal 7.39. I just want to create solr search in Drupal. I have installed Apache Solr Search, Apache Solr Autocomplete (tried both dev version and recommended ...
user15837's user avatar
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How to serve 404s for non existent views paths with facets

Is it possible have non-existent views paths 404, but to allow facets and parameter searches? Most of the answers to this question for base views, are either for Drupal 6, or use Mikeytown's ...
Dominic Woodman's user avatar
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facets not showing all the options drupal commerce [closed]

Go to this page if you take a look to the facets at the sidebar you will notice that they are not displaying all the available options. When I search 1 word at the search bar for example "tract" then ...
svelandiag's user avatar
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How to add crumb for each search result item?

I want to add crumb/breadcrumb on each of search result item. For example, if I search keyword "dog", the search result should return results as follow. Dog's Life ($title) Dog is life. Dog is love....
varis's user avatar
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Advanced search in Multidomain - Multilanguage catalog webpage Drupal 7

I have a quite complex products database. I have migrated most of the content and hierarchy into Drupal taxonomy, content type and relationships scheme. However, I am not sure if I will be able to ...
Cesar's user avatar
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