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How can I restrict various roles with limit in creating nodes of a particular content type [closed]

How can I restrict various roles with limit in creating nodes of a particular content type?
NewToDrupal's user avatar
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allowed values for node/entity/user reference field

Can you get allowed values for reference field? i tried with: $all_fields_info = field_info_fields(); $allowed_values= list_allowed_values($all_fields_info["field_user_ref"]); but it is not working ...
gregab's user avatar
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2 answers

How to attach node to user profile?

How can I attach a node to a user profile with profile 2 (or some other way)? It says here that it is possible but it does not say how.
user19422's user avatar
1 vote
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Restrict User Roles in viewing a Node Content Type without installing a module

Currently I want to keep my site slim without having to install big modules to do a small function. I know I can use the content_access module to restrict a user role to view a specific content type, ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
3 votes
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"Locking" a node after a certain period of time

I'd like to be able to have nodes of a certain type "lock" after fifteen minutes, so that for the first fifteen minutes after a node of that type has been created its creator can edit that node, but ...
Jim's user avatar
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4 votes
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Restrict forum access based on user (user list)

I need to restrict access to forums so that only selected users can access an individual forum. (The users should apply for a forum and a moderator should decide if the user should be allowed to ...
Elin Y.'s user avatar
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give node author ability to position the image when uploading content

I have a field of type image "COVER IMAGE" in my blog entry content type. The users should have the power to place it wherever they, down,right or left, if not more and re size it. right ...
why's user avatar
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Place output of a custom module in a specific region

I am using the following code in a custom module to get the title of the node form in the node creation form, i.e, if i add a new content of type BLOG then on top of that node_add_blog form i get a ...
user145078's user avatar
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Content not unpublished [closed]

I am trying to unpublish some content by going to admin/content and then checking the chechbox for those content and then in update options i do a Unpublish selected content but then i get an error: ...
user145078's user avatar
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Flags, Entity reference, users and content upload

I am using the entity reference module and flags to achieve a certain use case. Let me elaborate. In my site, there are nodes of type "TASK". They have a flag on them "Take Task". Now a logged in user ...
user145078's user avatar
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Automatically fill fields taking value from user profile

I have a custom content type "Holiday". There is role for users, "Sponsors". Only the sponsor users can create this "Holiday". "Holiday" has many fields. Three of them are: Sponsor Name Sponsor ...
user145078's user avatar
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Views to create author information on the content page

While any user visits any content (node) on my site then that node should also have information about the author who created that node/content. For this i am creating a view as : View of type user. "...
why's user avatar
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Associating a timer on flag click on individual nodes for individual users

I have a custom field "Time to Finish" in my custom content type in Drupal7. The "Time to Finish" is basically a timer of sorts. whenever the users click a flag (which is placed on nodes of that ...
why's user avatar
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Display 0 if no results from view

I have created a view to show users their uploaded content. It works well enough. Now if the user has not created any content then the view should output 0 or some custom message. In earlier ...
user145078's user avatar
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Render Panels Overridden user profile template

I have overridden the user profile template using Panels module and want to render this overridden user profile in one of my custom module. Actually I wanted to show "About Author", tab besides the "...
Kalpesh Patel's user avatar
2 votes
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Display node author picture through tpl file

I am writing my custom node--blog.tpl.php for my Drupal7 based site. I want to print the author image of the blog so in my tpl file i include the following: $user = user_load($user->uid); print ...
why's user avatar
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Contents, Flags, Users and Node views

I am in the process of making a social networking web site with Drupal7. Most of the tasks are done. However, i am stuck at this issue big time. I have created custom content type, Challenge. Using ...
why's user avatar
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Is this possible to allow creating nodes only for Administrator via interface but for others in custom code?

As author of my content type I can choose any user (current user, even anonymous). Nodes will created programmatically, so: $node->uid = $current_user->uid; However I want to allow access to node/...
Codium's user avatar
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Create a view to display the list of content created by user

I want to create a view for each individual user of my site which would display the content create by that logged in user only, i.e, When a user logs in, then when he clicks a tab (i am using quicktab ...
why's user avatar
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7 votes
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Mention/Reply to users in comments using @ (@name)

I am looking for a feature that makes it possible to reply to comments, or mention users in a comment using the @ symbol. So, if I was to write the following in a comment on a node: @Michael ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
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Is it possible to reference a field to a node, and also to a user?

My question: Is it possible to reference a field to a node, and also to a user? I want to keep track of scores scored by users while playing a boardgame. So, I'll need a reference between nodes (...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
6 votes
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Field values sometimes do not show up in grid view or node view for non admin users

I have a view that is sorted by the number of times a user visits a node and clicks the play button (the play button is a menu item of the node). Every time the play button has pressed the value of ...
Mike2012's user avatar
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Display Signup info in custom node template

I seek help on how to display the signup's module info in a custom node template. I have created a node template for a specific content type, but by looking the variables inside $content I cannot ...
Perisdr's user avatar
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Private files aren't blocking direct access to image files

I'm currently very confused by how private files work: I have a content type that has an image field and a file field. Both are set up to use private file access for their contents. Node access on ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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How to have one node's access dependent on another node's access?

I've got two content types. One we'll call "company"; the other, we'll call "project". Companies can have projects, managed by a field in the project. Companies and projects can also have fields ...
Jim Miller's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a second "edit account" page that only allows users to edit some profile fields?

So here is my situation: users on my site have to fill out a rather large number of fields upon registration. However, after they register, only four (out of about twenty) of these fields need to be ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
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How do I coordinate versioned signature blocks with an article?

I have users who write articles and need to show the appropriate bio content when viewing their published page. I could add the signature field to their user account, however, I need this info to be ...
Warpstone's user avatar
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Disable editing of a node after it has been published

Scenario: A user can create a node (content type "story"). All story nodes that are created are unpublished by default. I have a boolean field called "publish my story". Once this has been checked ...
Q10's user avatar
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Checking whether or not an unpublished comment exists on node for current user

I'd like to be able to let a user know that their comment has been submitted and is awaiting approval on every view of that particular node, not just a notification printed in the message region ...
cdmo's user avatar
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Delete/create nodes programmatically

I created a custom module that uses the Taleo Web API to get data from the external Taleo database and make nodes from this data. This works great. But now I want to run this update script every ...
screaming SiLENCE's user avatar
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D7 multi-role comment permission per content type - how-to?

I'd like to extend (...or create) a content type/node that allows: commenting by two or more roles though one role's members can not see the other roles' comments/replies as well as one role that is ...
esdaniel's user avatar
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Branched user permissions for editing content types

What is the best way to implement the user permissions (in brackets) in following pattern with Content Types as follows: Parent (editable by owner & tagged parent-editors) Name Description ... ...
dav_i's user avatar
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How to auto assign node reference value D7

I have user profile with fields: date field: "date of birth" (format: y-m-d) node reference field "card_ref" which should automatically reference to content-type "cards" node. (users cannot change it ...
raganara's user avatar
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My page showing up with a title, but with the content div empty, but only for users

I've created a new content type that has the default 4 fields (Title, Body, Meta tags, URL path settings) and one List(integer) that I added. I called it "Basic page". When I create a new Basic page ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Weird node edit issue

Having spent 2 days coding my own content access module, I've managed to grant along with Organic Groups the intended set of permissions to my users. Thing is, that authenticated users who now have ...
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Fill in user reference from current user page while adding new content

I have a view with appointments displayed at the user profile page (using pages for this) that is specific to that user. While adding a node (appointment type) I can select the user(user reference) ...
Wesley Stam's user avatar
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Associating Nodes with Anonymous User

I created a new content type which anonymous users are allowed to create. However, they can only do so if they are authenticated into Facebook. What is a good way of associating the particular node ...
hanleyhansen's user avatar
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Change value of user reference based on node reference

Is there any way to refine the user reference field values based on node references value. Let me explain : I have one node reference field and user reference field in one content type and another ...
Sumit Madan's user avatar
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Best practice: needs private and public contents of same type

The website need News, Image Gallery and Announcement. But all of the News, Image Gallery and Announcement has 2 types: public and private. The private content is tend to be a "collaboration platform"...
apasajja's user avatar
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How do I add a file upload field to user registration page?

I need to add a file upload field to user profile, during registration. How can I do this?
praji's user avatar
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How to count the number of anonymous users that are currently using the site?

I want to either use a module or write a module which allows me to count the number of Anonymous Users that are currently using the site. What is the best method for this to be achieved? I looked at ...
Alexander's user avatar
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How to limit Node refernce field selection to user own nodes?

If there are 3 content types that user can create A, B and C. A is main content, B and C are secondary content types, each time B or C created they automatically have reference to A. My goal is to ...
ijujym's user avatar
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How can I add an operation to the node and user lists?

I am looking for a way to add entries in the "Operations" Column at: /admin/people and or /admin/content I considered hook_node_operations and hook_user_operations But those are for adding ...
SMTF's user avatar
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Allowing authenticated users to create files through Service/Restful

I have setup a restful server running with the services module. I have also enabled to file resource. Using this setup I can successfully login from my client application, authenticate the session, ...
Mike2012's user avatar
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How to limit users to a create only one instance of a node type?

I know there is Node Limit module, but since it is in alpha stage since a rather long time, I am wondering if there is more elegant way to do so which does not need additional modules?
alfish's user avatar
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Make blog available to authenticated users only

I have a site which lists some events in a block using the agenda module. I have this set to be the main content (eg taking up the center of the page). This is the only content I would like general ...
Toby Allen's user avatar
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Displaying follow up fields for a content type

I have a form that asks the user to answer several yes or no health questions. These questions are radio button widgets and what I've been trying to do is ask the user to fill out a follow up question,...
Mike's user avatar
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Altering the admin/content form

After having added a “changed by” on nodes I now need to display the user who modified each node on the node_admin_content form (at admin/content) right next to the "Author" column. I've managed to ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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Show teasers to anonymous visitors but not allow access to the body/node

I want to encourage visitors to create an account by allowing them to read the teasers on the front page and know that creating an account is worth their effort to access the rest of the content. i'm ...
user7281's user avatar
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Module to add keyword search capability to content admin page? [closed]

Is there any module or technique for D7 that can provide this functionality?
A_funs's user avatar
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