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How to add a User Entity as a Field in Content Type?

How to add a User Entity as a Field in a Content Type? So I can be able to display First/Last Name field.
No one's user avatar
  • 128
12 votes
6 answers

How to restrict direct access to the nodes?

How to restrict direct access to the nodes but just allow views to access the required field of the particular node type? For example in Views Slideshow we are sliding the image field that belongs to ...
Fahad Ur Rehman's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Altering the admin/content form

After having added a “changed by” on nodes I now need to display the user who modified each node on the node_admin_content form (at admin/content) right next to the "Author" column. I've managed to ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to make a second "edit account" page that only allows users to edit some profile fields?

So here is my situation: users on my site have to fill out a rather large number of fields upon registration. However, after they register, only four (out of about twenty) of these fields need to be ...
Patrick Kenny's user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

How to disable "Plain text" for a specific role?

I see that from admin/config/content/formats/plain_text I can not disable it for a individual role. How can I do this? UPDATE: I can change the attributes of the format and rename it, however I see ...
EKK's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How can a user access only one specific node, and not all nodes of that type?

I have a user with view and edit rights to a specific content type. This give the privilege to all users to view and edit all the nodes of that type. But actually, I want to create for each user a ...
EKK's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Disable editing of a node after it has been published

Scenario: A user can create a node (content type "story"). All story nodes that are created are unpublished by default. I have a boolean field called "publish my story". Once this has been checked ...
Q10's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to know user submitted first content of a specific type?

I used Rules module to know when a user has logged in and notify the user about his/her login event. Now I just want to check when the user has submitted a content of one specific type for the first ...
Mohammad's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to count the number of anonymous users that are currently using the site?

I want to either use a module or write a module which allows me to count the number of Anonymous Users that are currently using the site. What is the best method for this to be achieved? I looked at ...
Alexander's user avatar
  • 633
3 votes
3 answers

Is there any easy way to set the default author for a node being edited to the current author if it is currently anonymous?

The site I am working on has a lot of Anonymous nodes because it is a migration from a system that didn't have a proper user system. Users can claim their articles by going in and editing the node ...
UltraBob's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Only display content that belongs to User in admin/content

I have a role called Content Editor and 2 users Chang and Liang with that same role. They can both add/edit their own content. The role permission is set in such a way that they can only edit own ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to give anonymous users access to only certain nodes?

I am trying to implement the following: Anonymous users are not allowed to view all nodes but only certain nodes. I am using tac lite ( to make this happen. ...
jjei's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to mark a node as read per user?

I'm wondering what the best solution is to mark a node as read per user. The below scenario is what I am trying to achieve: Admin creates a node which requires to be read and confirmed and flags ...
pacusi's user avatar
  • 65
1 vote
1 answer

Allowing authenticated users to create files through Service/Restful

I have setup a restful server running with the services module. I have also enabled to file resource. Using this setup I can successfully login from my client application, authenticate the session, ...
Mike2012's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to limit users to a create only one instance of a node type?

I know there is Node Limit module, but since it is in alpha stage since a rather long time, I am wondering if there is more elegant way to do so which does not need additional modules?
alfish's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Create user on content creation

In a "course" content type, I have an "instructor name" field, which points to a registered user. When the "course" content is saved, I need to check if there are any registered users with the name ...
turzifer's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How to create a new custom content type record when a user registers

My client's Drupal 7 website has a custom content type which is currently being used as a user profile. Now we need to incorporate this custom content type with the Drupal registration process. That ...
user3255321's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the simplest, most drupalish, way to restrict access to some content to authenticated users or a certain role?

I am creating a publications database that is used by staff to input their publications. Some of these publications are available to the public, and some are not. Additionally, the publications have ...
UltraBob's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Unpublish node instead of deleting it

In my web application, I would like to prevent accidental or unauthorized deletions or modifications (e.g. a student steals teacher's credentials and deletes or changes bad marks). But, at the same ...
user1527576's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to automatically create a node for each user and set the user as author of the node?

I have 50 users on my site. I want to create 50 nodes and then set the author of the node to each of my 50 users. Is there a way to do this using a module or programmatically, rather than having to ...
seyi's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Changing the registration form

I would like to revise the default new user registration form in Drupal 7. Rather than to requst "username", I want to request "full name" with helper instructions to enter the text "username is your ...
JM Foster's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to use Represenstive Views to display users representative nodes?

Main view (User entity): Fields: (Representative node) Content: Nid (Representative node) Content: Type (Representative node) Content: Post date (Representative node) Content: Title other fields ...
Codium's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to manage programmatically the access of a content node type?

From a custom module, I created a new type of content type via the drupal api (using the hook node_info). Thanks that, I can create node of this content type. I would like allow access to nodes of ...
spacecodeur's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Create a view to display the list of content created by user

I want to create a view for each individual user of my site which would display the content create by that logged in user only, i.e, When a user logs in, then when he clicks a tab (i am using quicktab ...
why's user avatar
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0 answers

Getting white screen in Login /user and the page content

I was recently editing a website with Drupal 7 installed, and was integrating twitter feed. I created a block twitter_feed_block and assigned the block to the content section of the front page. It ...
Pushpa's user avatar
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1 answer

Anonymous permissions with Nodeaccess

Content type: Webform Allowed grants: View, Edit Allowed roles: Anon, authorized, admin Go to the webform node eg. node/20 Click Grants tab Tick authenticated and admin users can View, anonymous is ...
user3108268's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to access node properties of another node using the Rules Link module?

I wonder how to access node properties via another node with Rules. I already store the link of my other node in a field (of the original node), but I don't know if we can do that. I'm using the ...
Quentin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to record how much time user has spent on my node?

I want to record the time a user has spent on my particular node so I could show a pop up to the user to register once the user has read 3 article. But the user must have spent at least 30 seconds on ...
Rakesh Verma's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Creating node and user with one form

I have a content type, 'A'. Now I need a form with the user registration form fields plus the 'A' creation form fields. So when the user (annonymous) submits this form, a user and a node of type 'A' ...
Alfonso_MA's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Programmatically publishing and unpublishing nodes: anonymous access

We have several nodes that serve as open job postings which need to "open" and "close" on specific dates. In order to accomplish this, we publish and unpublish them accordingly. We have a query (...
oranges13's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to give to the creator of a node the option to hide the name of the author?

I need to provide a way for hiding the name of the user who created a node, if the creator of a node wants to do so. In such cases, it should show Anonymous as the author of the node. Any suggestions ...
makbuk's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to add block-like visibility settings to nodes?

I have created a custom content type 'campaign' in my module using hook_node_info() and added fields using hook_field_group_info(). This campaign content type will be shown to users site wide in ...
Zafar Shah Faizi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I require the user submitted content to be approved before it is published?

I need to have content that is submitted by users of a certain role to be approved by an administrator before it is published. I thought this functionality was build in already, but I just can't seem ...
J-Fiz's user avatar
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7 votes
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Mention/Reply to users in comments using @ (@name)

I am looking for a feature that makes it possible to reply to comments, or mention users in a comment using the @ symbol. So, if I was to write the following in a comment on a node: @Michael ...
Alexander Sandberg's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Display 0 if no results from view

I have created a view to show users their uploaded content. It works well enough. Now if the user has not created any content then the view should output 0 or some custom message. In earlier ...
user145078's user avatar
2 votes
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How to revoke edit access to the node's author after publishing a node?

I am trying to build a new rule on Drupal 7 with both the Rules and Content Access modules (and its sub module Content Access Rules integration). Thus, I get new actions like "grant or revoke an ...
Toki's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

"changed by" on nodes

mysql> select nid, uid, created, changed from node; +-----+-----+------------+------------+ | nid | uid | created | changed | +-----+-----+------------+------------+ | 1 | 8 | 1336040166 |...
cherouvim's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Rules to remove user from role on node publish

I have tried the following: Event: updating an existing content condition: NOT node-unchanged published remove user role (I'm stuck here) The last item is my problem. There is no user reference in ...
Ojchris's user avatar
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3 answers

How to keep track of days online?

I'd like to display the total number of days that users were online in a View on their profile pages. How can I do this?
Jeroen's user avatar
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2 answers

Create user profile using content type or add additional fields to the default registration form

I am good enough to build an entire drupal 7 website but my problem goes below: I am in the process of building a very simple drupal website for all volunteers in my country. So every volunteer will ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to make certain nodes available to anonymous users?

I am having a site that hosts a number of content items (nodes) that are available to registered users. We would like to make some of those data available to anonymous users, too, via a view. I have ...
Yannis P.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

"Locking" a node after a certain period of time

I'd like to be able to have nodes of a certain type "lock" after fifteen minutes, so that for the first fifteen minutes after a node of that type has been created its creator can edit that node, but ...
Jim's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to restrict users to certain Content Types?

A site that I'm working on will have lots of users managing the content. Unfortunately their workflow dictates that certain people only have access to certain content types. There isn't a method to ...
John_911's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Restrict forum access based on user (user list)

I need to restrict access to forums so that only selected users can access an individual forum. (The users should apply for a forum and a moderator should decide if the user should be allowed to ...
Elin Y.'s user avatar
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Has 'Administer content' permission always been required to expose publishing, authoring etc options?

I've been using Drupal full-time for over six years and I always thought you could use the [content type] create, edit and delete permissions to allow users to create, edit and delete nodes AND use ...
Stephen Wilson's user avatar
1 vote
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How to grant permission to a node for an user programatically?

I am using ACL module to set user wise permission . Its working fine and I am able to set permission user wise from admin access. What I need: I have the nid and uid and I wants to set node view ...
DRUPWAY's user avatar
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Is there a module to provide node access based on Ip address? [closed]

I am looking for a module that provides node access or content type access based on the ip address of the user? So what would be ideal is that i can select the ip address range allowed for a ...
Drupal's user avatar
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2 answers

Send private message - Subject and message filled in

I'm using the module Privatemsg to give users the possibility to send messages to other users on the website. What I would like to do is: A button on the detail page of node with type equal to ...
nielsv's user avatar
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Suggestions for storing private user content lists

I have a feature on my Drupal7 site where users can store a list of personal stock symbols (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc) and then do different actions on that list; quote, chart, etc. These lists are private to ...
Gentwo72's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to attach node to user profile?

How can I attach a node to a user profile with profile 2 (or some other way)? It says here that it is possible but it does not say how.
user19422's user avatar